Photo Help please

Hi all, i have started to become a little braver and have been trying to download some photos, a profile one and some for the galleries, but it keeps coming back as photo larger than 500k! , what do i do? not very bright when it comes to computers, want to post before i get to scared!

think you need to open the pic in paint and then change the size of the image.

go to resize and then change the size of the pixels.

that should work

There are a number of websites that will do it for you... just google "photo resizer"

I do what Kinkymbi suggested.

Open the image in Paint > click the Resize button near the top of the page > when the Resize and Skew window pops up select the Percentage option > make sure the Maintain Aspect Ratio box is ticked > input the Horizontal* value of how much I want to reduce the image size (e.g. 50 will make the picture half as big) > click OK and save the document before uploading it to the website.

*The Vertical value will automatically change with the Horizontal one if you remembered to tick the Maintain Aspect Ratio box.

Or use XnView, it's free and works pretty well. Just "Images" then "Redimmensioner" (I make it in French as we're both from here haha)

Set the size to something 1200px max (vertical or horizontal), or just deploy the "Taille Standard" menu and find something like "25%" (unless you use a 20MPx camera, it should be fine :D)

Another solution is to use Adobe Lightroom, but this ain't free unfortunately (there's the trial version though !). You can directly set the "max file size" and Lightroom will do the things for you :)

Thank you all for the replies, when you say open it in paint, what and where is this, sorry so dim, it's the first time, I would ask some one to help, but the pictures are a little riskay!

go to the start bar on the left and click on it and type paint in the search bar

Since yesterday I have been trying to change my avatar photo and keep getting to the stage where it says ' 500 -Internal Server Error There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed! Help please!

i use faststone foto resizer, its free and easy to use, also theres a resizer (small/medium/large) in properties in windows live gallery, you can edit, crop, adjust the exposure etc all on the same page, lots of sites require images to be re-sized, my Sony A77 dslt has 24.3 megapixel resolution and the file sizes are huge.

You can resize photos on this website for free.