Post-pregnancy sex life

My wife changed what she liked and disliked after birth. We had to switch to non latex condoms so they didn’t rip at her scar. It kinds moved things around a bit, ended up making sex nicer for her and made her breasts more comfortable to be played with.
You have to start your exploration all over again. So it’s a bit like your a teenager all over again lol

Talk to him.

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Two pieces of advice I got before having sex for the first time post baby - 1) lubricate and 2) inebriate. Lube will make it so much more comfortable and a drink or two can help you relax. Hope all goes well!

Yes definitely talk to him find out what’s going on, I was in the same situation as you accept it was her who didn’t want to touch me or anything, for me this lasted for two years, I don’t know what was going through her head, I was with her for 18 years, and she had always said she didn’t know why she acted like that. I believed her then but now I have my suspensions on why she was like that.

From a male perspective, I agree with others you need to tell him how you feel. It will most likely be nothing.

When my OH was pregnant with our first we had no sex for the whole pregnancy and it was a while after the birth before we felt ready.

It’s normal so no reason to be too worried.

Well done for posting.


Thank you guys for your advice.

I did talk to him about my feelings and my need to connect with him. You were right, he was worried about hurting me so he didn’t push it. I told him I felt ready and we did have sex several times this weekend :tada: I think he needed it as much as I did.

I didn’t mention porn in our talk though but I noticed he’s still watching it whenever he gets a chance.
Ugh, not sure if I should make a fuss about it. I know it’s unreasonable to ask him to stop watching it, but how much is too much?


Thank you. We’re working through it.

I’m glad I found this community, you are all very supportive.


Unless it becomes a massive problem, maybe don’t mention the porn. He can use it as a quick release when you are not in the mood. Masturbating to porn is like fast food, when you can’t have the full, 5 course home cooked meal.


So glad to hear this :grinning: :revolving_hearts:

With regards to the porn, see how it goes and how it’s making you feel and how often it is.
Once you feel ready, have a little conversation with his about it - doesn’t have to be a negative one.

Maybe ask what he loves about it, what he gains out of it - let him know how it makes you feel when you see him watching it.
I don’t think it would be unfair if you did ask him to just limit or cut down a little as you would rather be spending more time doing things with him than watching him watch porn.

It is something that a lot of people like to do, there isn’t any harm unless it is causing a problem.


Congratulations, firstly for bringing a new life into this world, that’s amazing1 :clap::tada::partying_face::champagne:
and secondly for recovering pretty fast and getting your sex-life back on track :sunglasses:
Thirdly, congratulations on opening up and talking about it. It’s not always easy! :heart:

I’d recommend talking lots more with your hubby about your future hopes and dreams, and making this more fun for you both. I hope this advice doesn’t miss the mark. You may know some of this already, so apologies if I’m preaching to the converted here!

I’m getting the impression your husband finds it a little difficult to open up and talk about sex, and possibly feels embarrassed about masturbating in front of you, and so avoided it. Perhaps this means he’s embarrassed/ not ready to show you his true desires and vulnerabilities?
If you can talk more and open up the conversation about what both of you desire, and what you’re willing to do for each other, I promise you your sex-life and relationship will only improve as you both grow in knowledge, experience, and confidence in being yourselves with each other in bed. If he has confidence in a positive response to his advances, he’s probably much more likely to try it on. You too!

These conversations are usually best kept separate from actual nookie, in my experience.
The trick is not to shame and criticise each other. Be open and honest. Don’t yuck someone else’s yum, is the general rule. You don’t have to do everything he wants and vice versa, but desires and kinks are not to be shamed. Look for common ground in what you both want and start there. Who knows where this will lead?

There are apps out there, like MojoUpgrade (I think) to act as a starting point for discovering each other’s desires, or quizzes you can download and print out if you prefer. Maybe some of the forum members have other suggestions?
They’re all quite fun and help stimulate good conversations.

P.S. About the porn.

Passively consuming porn videos and clips is unfortunately a lot simpler than engaging in real world seduction, and conversation about sex, love, and emotions for lots of us guys.
Porn is usually not a depiction of real sex, in a loving relationship, like yours. It’s a performance to stimulate desire. I’d try not to worry about this too much if you can. He married you. The real you. And has a real-world relationship with you. And a marriage. And a baby. And probably tons of other great shared stuff and experiences besides.
Porn is simply a visual stimulant for exploring fantasies. He’s essentially masturbating with his fantasies, voyeuristic erotic escapism, if you like. Many don’t consider this cheating. If the balance is out, and he spends more attention on the porn than on you, perhaps this is a bigger problem.


That is very well put.

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I have a way with words! :wink:

Thank you for your words. It’s very inspiring.

I do feel a change in our relationship after this weekend. It feels more open. So I will definitely follow your advice and I’ll keep talking to him. I think we got closer.

Who knows, i might even bring up the idea of using toys together. :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I’m excited. Better get it wild before the little one grows and starts asking about those weird noises


The noises are massages we massage each other a lot and clap our hands lol. Also there sleep at other end of the house. Toys are fun just don’t let him think they are replacing him.

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My eldest found our two butt plugs the other day. ‘Daddy what are these’ as he sticks the bases together the pulls them apart with a pop. :person_facepalming:

Never you mind son get back down stairs. I need to put them away properly next time.