Pubic hair problem

Hi guys

This is slightly (abit very humliating for me) but this is my last resort before a please let the ground swallow me up moment of having to go to the doctor.

I shave regulary down there and often tweeze out any little hairs left over which has always been fine, sometimes i get an ingrown hair and i can normally squeeze that out easy enough and get on with it, but i've got a lump now that i fully believe is an ingrown hair, ive squeezed it so many times to a point where i got pus out and then it was just all bloody. But no hair. Now i still have a lump there (although very tiny) and this has been going on now for over a month. The rest of that area is fine and there's not abnormal. ive not had sex recently and have just had a regular GUM clinc check (yes im paranoid and go every six months or so) which come back totally clean.

Plus this is no where near where any kind of herpes would be (i worried about that at first) It's not sore, blistered, red, just a lump under the skin that sometimes gets pussy and bloody.

Any advice? Is it possible ive fiddled around so much that the hair is now imbedded deep? Im sorry sorry for the TMI i just really am at the end of my tether because i hate having to get naked for doctors end up having a panic attack and avoid it al all costs (i even do my own swabs at the gum clinic) dreading turning 25 and having to have the proper internal exams)

I don't want to sound too careless, but from the sound of it it's nothing serious. I would give it another month or so, instead of squeezing, live it be, or just press flat against it occasionally (basically massaging it without rupturing its wounds) and keep a close eye on its evolution. It will either dissipate into thin air (my bet), or become bigger/sorer/harder/coloured in odd ways and in this case you'll need to go have it checked.

If you're @ all worried, then it's always best to get it checked out. x

It looks to me like something got under your skin, It may be an hair or something else that got in there when you broke your skin squeezing an ingrown hair (to let the hair go out). Your body probably tried to get rid the foreign body resulting in inflamation and pus. An other option is that it got infected and resolved by itself.

I really think that you should go to the doctor to get it fixed. Even if the inflamation is gone, you don't want to keep something under your skin that is not supposed to be there. It's not dangerous bot wou would rather get rid of it or be sure everything is ok.

If you are that insecure with going to the doctor, maybe wait a few more weeks and it it hasn't change and you're still worried, then go.

Thanks all! Yeah it's so stupid because i never have ingorwn hairs for this long. I think reading these i;m gonna try and leave it alone for abit to see what happens itstead of picking it and trying to open it all the time to get whatever it is out.

Era no i totally get that hence why i didnt want to go to the doctor, The massage part is a good idea i didnt think to do i dont think your sounding careless at all please dont think that.

So yeah thats what i'm gonna do, and go maybe to see jsut the nurse in a couple of weeks if it's still there. I swear i can see the hair under there when it was all open and bleeding and like an idiot i got a needle and tried to get it up so i could hook it out, so possibly scar tissue because ive been dumb?

Argh. Thanks for the advice though all, just a few people and i feel a little better about the situation. only on a lovehoney forum can i write this without it being taken the wrong way! ![](upload://5BDs2y1gm13l2R58ovmAMxyNM3f.gif)

It does sound more like a cyst than an ingrown hair, although it could have been an ingrown to start with. If you go to the doctor they can drain it for you. If you can't face that, don't try to lance it yourself! Seriously, no more poking, prodding or squeezing, not even if it looks like it has a head; you don't want to spread any infection there may be. You don't need to worry about removing the hair, if there's actually one in there your body will push it out.

Do you have any tea tree oil? You can use this to help both ingrown hairs and cysts heal naturally, it would be well worth getting some and applying regularly. Obviously watch out for signs of infection (reddness, fever etc) and go straight away as you'll need antibiotics.

Incidentally, I treated a cyst like this myself with the oil they sell here as I'd run out of tea tree. It worked a treat too and the cyst is now almost gone (other than bruising where I squeezed it, I know I should have taken my own advice, right?). It could also stop this happening again in the future:

Maybe rubbing alcool could elp meanwhile.

And lovebirds, it's not recommanded to take antibiotics for an infection that can heal by itself, it is helpful only when it doesn't (because antibiotics can cause many other medical issues)

I wouldn't try and guess. Just get it checked out and get prescribed the right treatment .It's not worth takiING chances these days .

Do you have any Epson salt? Soaking in warm bath with those helps me with inflammation. I would leave the area alone maybe place a warm moist compress on it but no poking!

It sounds like you have got it covered, just a little thought, if seeing Dr gets you panicked, ask to see the practice nurse, they can't prescribe antibiotics, but they can do minor things and are use to doing smear teasts, maternity checks, and dressing all sorts of wounds. So if you need to see a professional maybe a nurse would be less intimidating. But I'd it's not hot, red and producing puss it might just sort itself out. Gentle rubbing with something like tea trea oil is great advice.

Firstly I wouldn't be embarrassed, at least not in this forum! There's probably loads of people who have the same shit going on down there too...

Anyway, I get this from time to time as well and it is always the most tiniest hairs that have got caught under the skin that cause the most problems!

Keep the area exfoliated and apart from that jut leave it for a while to let it settle. Eventually it will get pushed more to the surface and by exfoliating you will be able to release it eventually.

If it does get sore then best to see the GP

I would try tweezers on ingrown hairs rather than squeezing.If i get them on my face,i burst the pustule with a sterile pin,then tweezer out the hair.If you`re REALLY embarrassed matbe your local STD clinic may be less embarrassing than your GP?

Witch hazel, tea tree, alcohol etc.

All the usual spot treatments really. It sounds like a big spot made angry by poking.

I too have suffered from these little blighters! I try not to shave as I think it just aggravates the whole situ down there. When one rears it's ugly head I use Sudocrem, yep the baby nappy rash stuff! It's awsome. But as preventative now after lasering and tweesering, I swab the area with a cotton wool ball and some Tend Skin solution on it from Amazon for ingrowing hairs, razor burn etc. I've not had any now in over a year! xx