Ingrowing hair...sorry poss TMI

Hi all

What's the best way to tackle an ingrowing hair?

Since I started to have waxing done down there rather than shaving, i've had one after the other but one now is really sore and it's just not going.

I did have one years ago which ended up being operated on (although it was at the top of my bum crack so different) and this current one is showing similar signs but I really don't fancy having my pubic region operated on like that due to the scarring that I still have.

OH has looked, squeezed, picked even tried to cut the area a bit but it's still there and I know that I am going to have to do to the drs, but wondered if there was anything to try first.

Any advice would be gratefully received and apologies for the TMI at times

I dont have any advice but I just wanted to add that it may be a sebeous cyst. Might be worth checking into this. Dont panic they are nothing to worry about but they are a pain in the ass to get rid off.

I have a small one on my bikini line and doc said probably caused from shaving and waxing all the time and of course because that area is rubbing against other skin (They usually grow in places like armpits and bikini lines etc) Anyway they tend to come and stay around for weeks or months and then shrink away again for however long they feel like it before coming back.

Dont pick it, but you probably knew that (I did and still pick lol) but you can make it worse or cause infection or scarring. I dont know how to remedy it but if its not going, id suggest a trip to the doc.

I think I read holding hot flannels over the area helps to draw out the fluid, that might help?

The only way to stop ingrowing hairs is to stop waxing and shaving. You can minimise them happening by exfoliating the area often and using oil/moisturiser regular.

I used to exfoliate after waxing ( a week after which was recommended) but I still used to get ingrown hairs. I've since started using a less harsh exfoliater (one which I didn't really class as that exfoliating at all tbh) but it seems perfect, it's actually more of a shower gel from Johnsons.

But in terms of the one you already have, have you tried getting precise tweezers and a bright light to try and tease the hair back up to the surface? Done this with a few my OH got on his face and it cleared up a treat straight after :)

I had one a couple of months ago, I had to have it burst at the health centre and take a course of antibiotics. If it's getting worse I'd go to the the doctors.

Hope it gets sorted soon, they can be painful.

had one, but it worked its way out enough to get the tweezers on it, painful though.

thanks all

Yeh, it is getting worse and no I can't stop squeezing it in the shower - there's a hard lump or two around it and it's painful but not all the time.

It isn't a sebacious cyst that much I know given what's coming out of it (sorry TMI)

I am going to go to the drs about it on Tuesday (don't you just hate the bank holidays sometimes!)

As for not shaving or waxing.....erm am used to not having hair there now and don't know how I'd cope lol I must say, that I've really only had this issue since I started getting waxed - I think I might just be going back to shaving (definately a lot cheaper anyway lol)