Roleplay - Every damn time

Anyone else have a partner in their life that loves roleplay? I love it but its become every time we have sex… its starting to lose the excitement. Anytime I try to do something a little different he’s not interested or if I try to discuss it with him it turns into an argument. Any advice would be great? :two_hearts:

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That does sound frustrating, sorry to hear.
I’ve not been in that situation so can’t offer much other than it just sounds like you both need to sit down and have an open and honest conversation (outside of the heat of the moment) and put your cards on the table. Sex is about compromise and mutual satisfaction, and it sounds like that’s not happening here.


I feel its coming to that, after nearly 9 years its losing its spark a little to have to put on a character every time is exhausting.

@MakeUpMistress i agree with @Gareth - you need a talk to your partner as we both love to dress up and role play - but sometimes a quickie is lush - hope things improve :lovehoney_heart:


Tell him you want to have sex as yourselves, why do you have to pretend to be someone else?
To be clear, I mean that in terms of Dr and patient, tradesperson and customer, not other people entirely.

Ive attempted a conversation such as that, and it did not go down well, I just find Im becoming more reluctant to do the roleplay and not bother.

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It’s what he’s got used to by the way you have described it…you’ve been doing it over nine years…it’s like it’s routine now or an addiction possibly.

Like some can only get off to porn…you may perhaps have to wean him off the Roleplay gradually…was it always Roleplay from the very start of your relationship?

Can you try just cuddling as yourselves perhaps take sex off the agenda and take it from there?

I love Roleplay but it’s always been an occasional thing as I haven’t found anyone as enthusiastic as I am.

Good Luck

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You’re absolutely right; Its never always been roleplay, right at the beginning it was just sex and it was fun and adventurous, he had never experienced roleplay before or any form of BDSM whereas I enjoy it so i introduced him to it and from then on he just wants it all the time.

Now for a period a couple months ago we were having just sex where it felt like it was back to being just about him and I but now I’m back to square one.

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He obviously loves it…you must be amazing at it.

If it was ok a few months ago try to get that back again if you can pinpoint what got it back that is…tell him how much you enjoyed back to basics have a good chat…but out of the bedroom when you both have the time.

Good Luck…


Thats great advice, thank you so much! :two_hearts:

I’m sorry to hear about your situation and I can only empathise. I dated a man for a short time who was similar; he would call me “Mistress” all the time and absolutely anywhere, even in the middle of a crowded store. He wanted to live a 24/7 D/s lide, but he wanted to live that through me, with me as his Mistress. I didnt want that - though I love Topping sometimes, I love bottoming more. He also dropped the “M” word (marriage) on our second date, which was a MAJOR red flag for me.

That it turns into an arguement? As @CurvyJilly said, it sounds as though he’s becoming addicted to it, his sex depends on it. Try intimacy without sex, and sex perhaps with you leading but not Dominating. It may be that just you taking the lead will be enough for him.

Also, our partners can unfortunately get “addicted” to things if we’re good at them. I’m kind of a blowjob Queen in my husband’s eyes, but I’m not doing my business with his business until he’s showered after the gym :wink:


What sort of different things would you like to try?

@MakeUpMistress I am sorry you experiencing this situation. I went through something similar recently myself, although mine was not roleplay- all he wanted to do was talk about his fantasy of watching me with other guys all the time and if i dared to talk about something different it always ended in an arguement. I dont know if is any help but one evening while watching TV with my OH i put porn on the TV but showing other things i would like to do or try we watched this for a bit and then turned the TV off and had a long discussion about things and i told him how i was getting bored of him talking about the same thing everytime we had sex. We had this conversation away from the bedroom and it opened a discussion that has now opened up many new things for us and many new ideas are now on the table. I hope this helps


It’s all about give and take in my opinion, if your not happy you need to speak up and be heard.

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Thank you for sharing that, thats really helpful advice! Im glad things are better for you as well :two_hearts:

Well in most roleplay scenarios im the dominatrix. Which i dont mind but I’m fantasising about being the dominated and being pushed to my limits for a change. And sounds corny but also something a little more intimate and personal


It’s not corny at all, slow and intimate can be just as nice :slight_smile:


They all sound reasonable and we all need that intimate side sometimes too so not as corny as it may sound. Fingers crossed you get to explore this more have it play out :slightly_smiling_face:

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We both love role play and generally have a once a month session as it’s usually a carefully planned experience sometimes lasting a night,sometimes a weekend.So far she has been a prostitute where i actually picked her up in a bar away from our own town.She did enter wearing a long coat at first and checked out there were no single guys in there before texting me to confirm all was good and i could enter a few minutes later.Another time the scenario was where i picked her up but she was actually a well convincing crossdresser and i only realised in the bedroom she had a “Cock” hidden away.When asked did i want to stay or leave i just replied did i look like i wanted too.That session lasted for the whole weekend and was so erotic.Next time will probaly invlove purchasing some strap on breasts from LH and also a gaff as she wants to act out abducting me and totally turning me into a woman before putting me on the game.I am so excited by this scenario and cannot wait.We really do love our role play sessions.


Wow! I love the scenarios! Yeah dont get me wrong, roleplay can last hours or days and its fun! And i love that its once a month also for you guys, great advice here :two_hearts:

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