
Broke the 40 minute barrier for a 10K last Saturday :) any other runners out there?

Omg you crazy person that's amazing! I did 8 miles the other day but it took me 90 minutes!

My physio has threatened extreme violence if I ever consider running....

Welshman wrote:

Broke the 40 minute barrier for a 10K last Saturday :) any other runners out there?

Damn man..I managed 5k in 30 minutes..that's insane..

That's fab ^_^ I remember when I first did that, it made me happy.

Running is not bad for you. Research over the last few years shows that in fact running strengthens your bones and joints to a far greater extent than the risk of injury. Many people run in bad footwear or try to overdo it when they start out so running gets a bad rep. Runners live over half a decade longer. Sounds good to me!

My best advice to anybody thinking about starting running is to go to a local running shop and invest in some trainers that fit your gait. The wrong shoes will end up hurting your ankles, knees, hips and even back. Don't be tempted to run in leisure trainers. Also, get a sensible running plan like C25K.

Welshman well done! One day I will be that impressive, that's inspiring :-)

Man was made to run, few animals can go 26 miles without stopping although most are quicker over a short distance, as I understand it jogging damages the joints more.

I prefer shagging myself to perfect fitness lol

I'll run for the bus or the Ice-cream van but thats about it! ....Or a shoe sale!!!!

My knee is shot from walking into a metal post sticking out of the ground when i was 15! Lol i was waving to my boyfriend at the time! Hahahaha. Ooops!

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

gunther wrote:

Man was made to run, few animals can go 26 miles without stopping although most are quicker over a short distance, as I understand it jogging damages the joints more.

I prefer shagging myself to perfect fitness lol

If we could outrun animals and wear them down over long distances then there wouldn't be need for man to invent throwing spears and such.

AA I dont know the ins and outs of it I was listening to an anthropologist on the radio, of course all is speculation but may have been helpful following herds etc.

That's really impressive Welshman; great achievement.

I did 8.5K in about 45 minutes today and was happy enough with that. Running's a good way to counter ageing, food and drink.

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

gunther wrote:

Man was made to run, few animals can go 26 miles without stopping although most are quicker over a short distance, as I understand it jogging damages the joints more.

I prefer shagging myself to perfect fitness lol

If we could outrun animals and wear them down over long distances then there wouldn't be need for man to invent throwing spears and such.

But you and gunther were kind of making the same point? As gunther said a lot of animals are quicker over a short distance hence the need as you said for throwing spears etc. - we as hooman beans have greater endurance but lets say a deer would have escaped and evaded you way before 26 miles, hence the need for a faster smaller weapon that can hit the deer from a longer range without it realising it's coming

Homo sapiens hunt in a group, speculation is they used fire to run prey down to exhaustion, herbivores tire fairly quickly, certainly they hunted and killed prey before they had spears with flint points.

Well done!!! You must be proud of yourself :D

Ork wrote:

There is a tribe somewhere in the mordern world where they all run about so many miles each day and it doesn't bother them in a desert this being the sort of run that would kill a normal marathon runner but they do it without fail day in day out old young everyone does it. (it was a great documentary lol)

A lot of children in Africa have to go miles to and from school so they run , same part of Africa that Homo Erectus and Homo Robustus and eventually Home Sapiens were discovered. I remeber as a kid seeing Kip Keno (a Kenyan) run, he made the whole thing look completely effortless even smiled the whole way through the race.

Jesse Owens ...way off topic but this is interesting everything not exactly as it seems

read about the reception in his honour, he had to take the back entrance coz he was black

If anybody thinks humans shouldn't or are not designed to run, read 'Born To Run' - it will for sure get you thinking. There has been a huge shift to this way of thinking in recent times but no doubt many people will continue to think that running is bad for you for decades to come. It isn't the running, it's the shoes.

Welshman wrote:

Broke the 40 minute barrier for a 10K last Saturday :)

That's very impressive... well done!

Welshman wrote:

any other runners out there?

I've been running about 12 miles a week for the last five years. I've improved quite a lot over that time, and I'm now doing respectably well within my age group. I regularly do timed 5km runs (Google: "parkrun") and occasionally stretch to 10km races. I'm happy with that as I don't have the lean build of a long-distance runner -- I'm chunkier and built more for power -- so even those distances are something of a test of endurance for me.

Vexed wrote:

My best advice to anybody thinking about starting running is to go to a local running shop and invest in some trainers that fit your gait. The wrong shoes will end up hurting your ankles, knees, hips and even back. Don't be tempted to run in leisure trainers. Also, get a sensible running plan like C25K.

^-- This! It might seem a big deal to spend £80 on a pair of good running shoes, but that's the only significant running cost (!) over the 12-18 months that they'll last, and it's certainly a lot less expensive than, say, a gym membership to keep fit. I've been lucky enough not to suffer any significant injuries over the last few years (*touches wood*), but I've given myself the chance of this by ensuring that my shoes are offering me the right combination of cushioning and support.

Ork wrote:The English pretty much assited the suicide of there own most famous code breker ho broke the inigma code!Because he had sex with a guy.

Sorry Ork but your insistence on making everything an England Scotland issue means I will have no more conversations with you. you rail against racism and homophobia but are quite clearly anti English I doubt you could even define an englishman save for he isnt scots.

and Alan Turing was a great mathematician but he only played a part in breaking enigma

From what i hear running is like walking on air when you have a good rhythm so my brother tells me, hence the reason why it could cause less strain to joints than jogging, but i could be wrong.