Secret part 2!

Easy to miss…

I’d say History. When we take the time to stop and understand the stories and reasons that have lead society to it’s current state, we begin to get a greater sense of empathy for the world that we live in. We become less judgmental and ignorant of the differences between each other and find a level of gratitude for the rights, freedoms and opportunities that we only have because of the sacrifices, leadership, wars, convictions and contributions that previous generations have gifted us today.


Interesting. My guess would have been English or arts. No specific reason. Just a guess.

I do love all of the subjects…. But hanging with my girls was a favourite

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Hmmm guess I’d be open to all things if it felt right in the moment :sweat_smile:

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If you don’t mind me asking, what do you find helpful about the Forum @CurvyJilly?

@be3169 did you enjoy school growing up?

Mostly, no. Some extra curricular activities were of interest and a couple of subjects but that was it. I started a part time business my final year of high school and immediately went full time upon graduation.

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Sounds like a successful business then!

You raise an interesting discussion point. I will start a new topic in the off topic thread so this doesn’t become a one on one chat.

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@Natalie I would love to know if any of my female friends like seeing their OH in lingerie designed for females…

If any did then this could be the start of my confiding in them of my love of wearing female lingerie :heart_eyes:

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Might be a hard topic to bring up but all the best to you! :kissing_heart:

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