Sex after break up

Hey everyone,

Last week I broke up with someone after just over a month. I want to get back out there but wanted to know how long I should give it.

I don’t want to think with my :cat: instead of my head :joy:


As soon as you feel ready, no one is judging you but perhaps yourself.

You are in control of your own happiness.


Crack on, life is too short x

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You do what feels right for you.
If people judge, then they’re the ones who have a problem with it. Don’t let other people’s judgment stop you living the life you want.

Always do what you think is right for you go with how you feel about meeting people its not always about sex but emotional feelings

Enjoy yourself. Do whatever you want to do.

Many times I’ve thought with my :cat: rather than my head and it’s resulted in some of the best, fun times.

There’s no right or wrong answer to this as it’s mainly down to when you yourself feels ready to move on :slightly_smiling_face:

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Go for it, if it feels right for you the why not. @leaho21

I say go for it!! Do what makes you happy in life!! Life is short so enjoy it

If it feels right then go for it, no point in looking back on what ifs.

You will know when it feels right, there isn’t a specific answer. Just wait till the dust settles for your own head :smiling_face:

Also don’t feel guilty, life is short and not worth wasting on people who don’t deserve your time

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I’m maybe reading this wrong, you were with them for 1 month?

You sound ready, go for it.

Personally @leaho21 - as you were only in a relationship for a month - get back out there as soon as you are ready - no one will judge you :lovehoney_heart:


A month barely qualifies as a relationship to be fair. If you feel ready then crack on and enjoy yourself, life’s too short to sit around wondering what’s in some way ‘right’ according to other people.

You don’t stay young and pretty forever, make the most of it while you have it!


I’ve never had a breakup, but a month doesn’t sound like much of a relationship. More like a fling. So you’re probably not brokenhearted about it (unless we’re all wrong), so do what you feel like doing.


Even more dirty

Self love first I say

A month isn’t a full emotional connection sort of relationship so crack on!

Thanks for the advice everyone! I did get back out there and it’s been great!


Hi glad to see your back on here and your back on the social scene @leaho21