Sex Blogging?

Hey guys, sorry if this has been covered elsewhere/I've posted it in the wrong bit...

I've recently started a sex-kink-type blog which has been picked up by a friend of mine who works for a sex toy/condom company. They've offered me a lot of promo and possible contacts with industry magazines etc. if I manage to generate a bigger following. So exciting, scary etc.

SO, as I'm super new to this, does anyone more experienced have any tips on writing/getting a larger readership? Blog's on Tumblr if that helps. Not overly confident about sharing the URL yet until I've written a bit more (clearly I'm rocking this promo thing already)

Thanks in advance lovelies x

Check this

And this

And forgive my idiocy but what's the point of blogging if you aren't going to charge the link?

Sorry if that's blunt - wasn't meant to be. Headache!

LOL Subby... you've probably scared her off now ;)

Nah legit question! I have issues showing my writing to people I know. As I've posted here before, you guys feel more like people I know that internet randomers. (It makes sense in my brain)

I have a blog

More on the lines of reviewing sex toys and products, memes, writing my only little bit of erotica and advice.

A company won't offer sponsorship, if your blog is new or your stats aren't up to par. You could have affiliate links and banners on there, which might generate you a bit of pocket money but if your blog is hidden, companies won't bother.

I have twitter and facebook as well as google plus etc. You need to have a semi decent internet presence.

I am sponsored by a few companies but that has only happened in the last 12 odd months. Don't be scared in airing your work, might want to think about a pen name or ulta-ego, if you don't want to use your real name.

There are some really good sex bloggers out there who never show their face in photos and this is done by good body/camera placement.

But you need to get your work out there, before companies will get involved.