Sex Guides?

FYI I’m a 31 Yr old female that has no idea about the female anatomy

Mrs Chimp didn’t (/still probably doesn’t :slightly_smiling_face:). When she was practising with her first Womanizer she ended up sitting in front of a mirror to see what was going where down there. :slightly_smiling_face: She was really reluctant to at first as well, but she realised it would help, so did it in the end (and it did help).

I wouldn’t say we’re now qualified genital experts, but even the snatches of info we’ve gleaned so far have helped us out a lot :+1: (including penis tips tips about penises).


I need to Google majority of the words haha

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Have you ever filled out the sex map? My Google search history after completing that would have been hilarious :laughing: xxx

Erm no. How do I do this. P.s I’ve reached max :heart:

@Orgasm_Chaser so have I lol :joy:

Just Google human sex map lol xxxx I filled it in with a friend so we discussed the things on there which was fun xx

@Bex84 just google this my self :joy: interesting reading

I’ve got a friend called Alexa but when I asked her if she liked anal she said she couldn’t answer. Prudish bitch



That’s brilliant, I have a friend with the same name, I wonder if they are all prudes pmsl

@Essex_Couple_2017 it certainly makes for interesting research lol :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I give her some right verbal. Bless her she Just sits there and takes it… Good girl :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Well if mines like yours she is going to be blushing a lot pmsl :joy: she is only in the bedroom.

Mines in the kitchen but I’m telling you that girl has seen enough hahaha

As lovely as this is, I think it might be off-topic… :slightly_smiling_face: Why don’t you continue your conversation in Good Morning, Evening, Afternoon, Part Twenty Four :+1:

(I’m Watching this topic so I’m getting pings every time someone posts :slightly_smiling_face:)

Sorry, completely went off topic.

Yeah got carried away

I dug this out the archives. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’ve made the first Wiki Guide. :slightly_smiling_face::partying_face: It is now open to any edits if anyone wants to join in. :+1:

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Balls deep maybe :thinking: lol