sex toy packs for beginers

Hi there me and my oh want to buy some sex toys but as a package what would be the best packages to buy?
Holly&Mikey. Xxx

Hi welcome and enjoy the forums.

This is a nice little starter pack. As with most on line sites have look around , look at some ideas then read the stared reviews to help you with your choice. Enjoy.

Hi Holly & Mikey and welcome to the forums. There's so much to choose from at LH, it can be hard to know where to begin - lol. These 2 sets are a great starting point - see links below.

Start browsing, read the reviews and have fun :) xx

I'd recommend having a look at the special offers. There is currently 2 for £12, 3 for £50 and 3 for £10.

I would have a look at the 3 for £10 particularly has there are some really good toys in there for beginners.