Sex Toy Research.

Hi everyone,

I am currently a third year photography student at a University, I am working with themes surrounding sexual behaviour.

I am trying to collect some basic responses about sex toy use and perceptions surrounding them. Unsurprisingly my immediate network falls within the 18-24 year age range and I'm really looking for a wider range of responses.

This is where the community here comes in - If anyone here could fill in my short survey (link below) it would be really appreciated.

Sorry to the admins if this is in the wrong place or not allowed - I had a quick look and couldn't see any specific rule breaking but you'll know it better than I do! My work can be verified if needs be so please do get in contact!

Have filled it in :)

Done, added to your over 45s!

Yep me too have filled it in for you...

Done ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Filled it in. :)

Done :-)



Done :)

Done :-)

Done :)

You are al the best! Few more varied responses which is great - Thanks alot!

It won't let me go into It otherwise I'd do it for you.

Tried to fill it in but it says it's closed x good luck x

Aye it says closed. I would help in the soon to be over 50's section.

Says its closed