Sex while on your period

I always get so much more horny on my period! My hubby doesn't care about the blood but I'm always on so heavy that it would be awful to clean after lol. We just do other stuff instead.. bullets, BJs etc :D

We do it near the end of my period and it’s less of a mess. I have to admit I’m gagging for it by then. He just mind in fact he usually suggests it is we are both comfortable with it.

Personally I enjoy having sex with my partner whilst she is on her period, without being too graphic I find that she feels warmer and the extra moisture definitely does not go a miss.

I can't say I am a fan of the blood but this comes with it and for me is no reason not to do engage in sex as mess can be kept to a minimal and any mess is easily cleaned. At the end of the day its natural and we are all adults.

Unfortunately my girlfriend does not feel comfortable with the idea as she feels that it is dirty and often feels uncomfortable / bloated during this time but i am very lucky at the same time as she often tends to my sexual needs during this time so all is well.

We have done everything whilst time of the month. No issues here :) I’m fact very kinky and highly stimulating imo.

I’m extra horny when I’m on, just depends how heavy it is, 9 out of 10 times it’s not too heavy so we’ll have sex as normal

I do get horny on my period (when I’m not in pain) but I really hate the sight of blood and don’t like mess either so it’s a definite no go for me!

Interesting this topic has come up, as I was just talking to my wife about this today. She is on her period, and we have done in the past but not for many years. No real reason for not doing it though other than she gets a lot of pain which puts her off everything.
It’s interesting to hear some of you saying about it helping with pains as this is something that my wife suffers from quite badly. It would be amazing for her if it even slightly helped with this.

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It’s supposed to help with the pain, but if I’m already hurting, I’d prefer a paracetamol and a hot bath! Maybe an orgasm in the bath?! :thinking:

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I guess I shall put both options to her and see which gets preference :slightly_smiling_face:

I have done it twice before. The first time I though my period was over but it surprised me and came back (Blood everywhere) :flushed:
Second time was planned and was in the shower and was acc really great. Would deffo do it again but only in the shower.

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Being in a lesbian relationship - if we didn’t have period sex, we’d be missing out on a LOT of sexy time! :laughing:

Personally, I get incredibly bad stomach, back and leg pain and always turn to my wife for an orgasm to provide pain relief (works much better than paracetamol!).

Orgasms for period pain make a lot of sense when you look at the biology and science of it all:

  • Menstrual cramps are caused by the uterus contracting to help it shed its lining, which is triggered by the release of hormones called prostaglandins.

  • Orgasms from sex help contract and then relax the uterus, which can further relieve pain from menstrual cramps. (Contracting more to shed the lining quicker)

  • When you orgasm, your body releases oxytocin & dopamine (along with other chemicals) that act as painkillers and deal with period cramps.

Granted, at the beginning I’m almost begrudgingly getting started cause I generally am in so much pain and discomfort but once we get going, and the pain starts to ease I’m keen to get stuck in as my entire body is just so much more sensitive and I always get a few hours completely pain free afterwards!

I would definitely recommend orgasms for period pain to any person.


We used to pre kids.

It was never a worry, just take tampon out, then a new one after.

After kids, my wife’s vagina shape changed - tampons now fall off. So she uses reusable towels which she really likes, but it does get quite messy, especially as her flow has changed too… used to be light, now she bleeds heavily all the way through the period.

I’ve tried to instigate it a few times, but she wont have it, i think because she feels messy down there + possible mess and having to clean up the bed after sex to avoid kids questions!!!

On the plus side, we both look forward to sex after the period, and it’s nice to cuddle, gently grop her / caress her in bed with no pressure to perform on either side. It makes the cuddle all about the cuddle.


I use the Ziggy cup and it’s fantastic, no mess at all during period sex and neither of us feels it. I don’t generally like it if it’s a heavier day or I just feel icky, but otherwise we’re happy to do it anytime.

My old GF got crazy Horny on her period, we would do it in the shower or put a few old towels down on the bed before we started we always used a condom and always finished up in the shower together and gave each other a good soapy washdown after.