Should I believe these reviews?

I've just spotted three brand new reviews for the Autoblow A.I Ultimate Blow Job Machine, all written on the same day (which is unusual). They're all pretty positive too.

I also checked out the reviewer's profiles and noticed they've only reviewed a couple of things each, and coincidentally they've all reviewed the same two products (both from the same company too).

What do you reckon? Trustworthy or not?

I would agree that it does look a bit suspicious, especially as the reviewers have almost no other previous activities. I would always wait until a product has more than a couple of reviews to get a better idea of the quality of the device

Not a chance I would believe them. All joined in the same month, all reviewed the first product on the same day and all reviewed the same two items. Something very unusual about that. Especially as the other reviews give it such a slating.

Hmm... bit suscpicious...

Maybe flag it up to Brenna? She might be able to tell if the reviews came from the same IP Address (or whatever - no clue about IT). She might also have access to the reviewers' addresses via their accounts which could show something.

I'm thinking they might work for the company. If they do they could have been a bit more subtle about padding out the reviews. 🙂

Ian, I'm not convinced these are genuine. There are some inconsistencies, do example Berlindude says the auto blow 2 is ugly, but the larger auto blow 1 he doesn't mention appearance at all. All the reviews are also very vague, not giving much detail about feel, fit or how the toy works. No mention of charging, how easy it is to use or specific run times. Im a bit OCD so I'm maybe being overly critical, and everyone writes reviews differently, but for me I would ignore them. I do this sort of critical analysis on reviews all the time particularly on other sites (like a well known jungle) that I will not use at all anymore due to the large number of suspicious reviews and fake goods.

I think your suspicions are well founded.

It has always mystified me that you don't have to log into your account to write a review, anyone can just pen their opinion with no proof of purchase. It does leave the review system open to abuse/ manipulation.

I completely agree with Gosig. I think you should only be able to review items that you have purchased. Although I know we all do but in this case it seems very untrustworthy.

If you are reviewing a product don’t LH post them all the same day? That could be that coincidence. Other than that I agree don’t sound very plausible

I did laugh when I read this, the comments are obviously from the producers of the item. I have read similar comments on forums from Managers, manufacturers ect. trying to sell there wares, With hillarious consequence.This being one of them. They are just trying to sell there goods is all, no worries.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention, let me do some investigating 🕵️