Sleep Sex How To Cure It

My partner during sleep starts to get really horny,he will start to try to undress me he can be rather forceful, then he will start to try and play with me, at first i found this rather amusing and use to join in only to then have him roll over and then snore, i didnt belive he was actually sleeping, i thought he was pretending to be sleeping, so i would kick him and say get off me but he carried on, and the thing is he does not have any recollection of the nights events,which is frustrating for me,

it normally only ever happens when hes over tired, and seems to have only started since he started on testosterone

any tips or advice much apreciated :)

Thank you Spoonio for your advice,shall head over to google now

He'll probably have to see a doctor and to to a sleep clinic if its that bad for him. I've seen a programme on the TV about it before, and really the only cure for it is being assessed by a professional who monitor your brains activity when you're asleep and come up with a way to try and help him stop.

Thank you MrsMcX oh i remeber a program being on about that but at the time it wasnt an issue for us so i never watched it :(

hes really embarrased about it, he sees a doctor because of health issues, but he never answers the sex related questions,i was hoping i could find some way other then him having to discuss it with his doctor i dont think he will :(

Yep sexomnia. I also saw a program about it and it isnt as cute as people think. (One guy got prosecuted for rape when staying over at a party and his sexomnia caused...well you get the idea) I think the best bet is to get him to see a doctor. There is no magical thing we can suggest to stop it. It is a real condition like insomnia or sleep apnea or snoring or sleep walking (It is kind of a version of sleep walking. Sleep sexing!) and the people doing it are not aware of it. I don't know what medicines or sleep devices or other things can "cure" it but the doc will lead you in the right direction xx

Yep sexomnia. I also saw a program about it and it isnt as cute as people think. (One guy got prosecuted for rape when staying over at a party and his sexomnia caused...well you get the idea) I think the best bet is to get him to see a doctor. There is no magical thing we can suggest to stop it. It is a real condition like insomnia or sleep apnea or snoring or sleep walking (It is kind of a version of sleep walking. Sleep sexing!) and the people doing it are not aware of it. I don't know what medicines or sleep devices or other things can "cure" it but the doc will lead you in the right direction xx

Personally I think it's something that he should go to the DRs about. I know it can be embarressing but if left untreated could prove to be really bad, both for him and yourself. I myself have seen documentries on these kind of things, where they end up forceably having sex with their partner and not remembering what happened the next day.

If it was my partner I'd really urge him to seek medical assistance for it as it could end up having a serious psycological effect on both of you.

GL hun.

Thank you everyone for your help and advice, i think that we are going to have to have a chat about speaking to his doctor, He did suggest he slept downstairs on the sofa,but i cant sleep without him, i have some issues with being alone so like him with me

he sees a consultant every few months im hoping they take him off it once he is well enough thank you Spoonio i shall push him to talk about it with him when he sees him next

It comes and goes with me, its weird, I'm convinced she starts it.

Its weird, the only way I could describe it is to say its like a computer game, there the start intro sequence that you watch, and then theres the bit where you take control and play.

Ought to wake him up

Dr could give him medicine to help him go into a deeper sleep or he could try hypnotherapy for it. I would go nuts.... I hate being woke a from my sleep. Especially for sex lol x

it comes and goes with him too he says that i start it aswell he actually doesnt believe me when i say that he was trying to have sex with me im loving that whip might be worth a try thank you KebertXela

Naughty nurse 85 i hate the disturbed sleep once im awake i cant get back to sleep and end up feeling more tired during the day and grumpy

Sounds like you both need to get it out in the open and talk o the Drs before it effects your relationship - it can be quite scary when they don't remember when they did the next morning and you're left with the thought of it. Good luck :)

Thank you Naughty Miss K it as been scary some nights are better than others

Id be really scared if my partner did this.

Just stick with it Heavens Poison, and remember whatever happens in these episodes isn't 'him', you don't want to let it drive a wedge in your relationship. Stay strong, and maybe think about talking to him to put something in place for those mornings where it's happened and you're a little shaken up - sharing a shower and letting him wash your hair and look after you, or something that makes sure you start the day feeling better :) Let us know how it goes!

Might want to seek medical advice, it is a sleeping disorder it sounds like it. Best to get it seen to just to avoid any problems down the line.

I have the same thing with my bf so I feel your frustration!! I used to join in too but now I find it quite frustrating, does your OH get mardy if you push him away? Mine does although again, he has no idea he's done it next day.

Im sorry NMK but thats awful advice.

Your boyfriend isnt allowed to rape and or beat you, not even if he buys you flowers the next day.

If an elbow in the rib didnt send me back to sleep, I'd be buying her a stun gun...

That's not was I was getting at, I in no way agree with rape or beating, I was thinking sure when it's happening wake him up, do what's needed to get him to stop be it an elbow in the ribs or a bucket of cold water, but in the morning whether it stopped easily or not, HP might still feel a bit shaken or different in the morning. Doing something together in the morning might help keep them strong while the problem gets sorted.