Snowman Competition!

Well it's snowing today and it's looking likelier to be a white christmas apparently so I thought, just for fun, why not make a rude snowman this year and show us what it looks like?

To get your creative juices flowing take a peek at these creations!


There is heavy snow forecast for friday too!


OMG!!!! thats bloody brill,well iv we get any here im going to build one!!!!

Snow here in Essex but is only what they call light flurries, not really settling. Will stop soon so they say.

when we get tons of snow down here at South Hampshire, Ill make a naughty snowman! :D can mine have a chastity cage on and a collar lol

We got snow here, just hope we get enough to build a naughty snowman *puts thinking cap on for ideas* x

sound like fun count me in

we never get enough snow in nottingham till march so will have to wait till then :(

we'v had about 2 minutes of snow,,no fair

Did anyone have enough snow for one?


Not yet but hopefully will over the weekend! x

We got about 8" of snow today, but we got a power cut at 7.30 last night and it was not back on in the morning so no heating!!! I have a 11month old little girl and could not leave her in a cold house so had to go round my famlies house. didnt get home till dark so will have to have a go at making one tomorow.

I couldn't even make snow gnome this morning, let alone a sensible sized snow man...

just a quick few. please add as friend and msg with your user name on here.

Whoohoo! Glad more people are getting a good dusting! Not quite enough here yet tho.


O we had about 3-4 inch

We made a snowman with boobies!! Hehehe


Me, magic hands and my lil sis in the pic :)

Cheeky! lol love you too but we'll keep our chit chat out of the threads. No hijacking topics! Hehe it's quiet on here tonight xxxxxxxxxx

nice snowoman, it was very quiet last night must mean loads of reviews today lol

Hehe! Just build a little one and stick it on the windowsill for him to spot later!
