The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread


The Great Hump Day Quiz! 🐪

Welcome to this Wednesday’s Great Hump Day Quiz!

We’re always trying to add more people to our quiz gang, so check out how to hide your answers, pop them in a post, and I’ll add you to the Scoreboard. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

Where do the questions come from?

I found a mysterious old box of trivial pursuit, with even more trivial pursuits stuffed inside. It is a treasure trove of quiz questions, and all of them really old. :slightly_smiling_face: Perfect fodder for a Hump Day special. :+1:

Piecing together a few bits and bobs, there were three sets, and a couple of the instructions. One is a Genus Edition, dated 2001, and the other the 20th Anniversary one, 2004. There’s also another old style board and questions in there that looks/smells quite a bit older. That’s the box they’re all stuffed in, and that has ©1983 printed on it. No instructions, so not sure if that’s accurate. That one says it’s a Master Game Genus Edition.

So, there you go. It’s a bit random, but it should add to the fun. :slightly_smiling_face:


💙 Geography
  1. What monument measures 170 feet, two inches in height?

  2. Where is the Marsh of Decay?

  3. What country did the Romans call Hibernia?

  4. What two countries are separated by the Gulf of Bothnia?

  5. Which of the Marshall Islands gave its name to a garment?

  1. Where does the girl come from in Astrid Gilberto’s most famous song?

  2. What name was a 2000 smash hit for Emenem?

  3. What state does John Denver call his mountain momma?

  4. What star of Peyton Place married Frank Sinatra in 1966?

  5. What Elvis Presley song contains spoken lines from Shakespeare?

💛 History
  1. What island was Napoleon’s first home in exile?

  2. Where were Billie Clanton and the McLowery brothers gunned down?

  3. What did Americans prohibit the drinking of in 1775?

  4. What became mandatory in the UK on January 30, 1983?

  5. What exploded outside the Houses of Parliament in 1869, killing a policeman?

💩 Art & Literature
  1. What’s the revealing occupation of an ecdysiast?

  2. Who put butter in the Mad Hatter’s watch?

  3. What French impressionist gained renown for his paintings of ballet dancers?

  4. Who lost his head after creating Utopia?

  5. What was Eric Arthur Blair’s pseudonym?

💚 Science & Nature
  1. What are Lincoln Red, Galloway and Welsh Black?

  2. What does the E stand for in E=mc2?

  3. How many days will it be before a clock, losing 30 minutes a day, shows the right time again?

  4. How deep is ‘mark twain’?

  5. What is the only clockwise rotating planet?

🧡 Sprot & Leisure
  1. What poker hand comprises three of a kind and a pair?

  2. Who did John McEnroe beat in the final for his first Wimbledon title?

  3. How many spaces are there on a Scrabble board?

  4. What sprot requires stones to be thrown at houses?

  5. Who was the first player to make a 147 break in a World Snooker Championship and then go on to win?


Total :blue_heart: :heartpulse: :yellow_heart: :poop: :green_heart: :orange_heart:
@Peitho 20 2 2 4 4 4 4
@SexInTheCity 17 4 1 2 3 5 2
@Ian_Chimp 17 3 3 2 4 2 3
@WillC 16 3 4 4 3 1 1
The Answers

| :blue_heart: Geography | :heartpulse: Entertainment
— | — | —
| 1. Nelson’s Column | 1. Ipanema
| 2. On the moon | 2. Stan
| 3. Ireland | 3. West Virginia
| 4. Finland and Sweden | 4. Mia Farrow
| 5. Bikini Atoll | 5. Are You Lonesome Tonight
:yellow_heart: History |
:poop: Arts & Literature |
| 1. Elba | 1. Stripteaser
| 2. The O. K. Corral | 2. The March Hare
| 3. Tea | 3. Edgar Degas
| 4. The wearing of seat belts | 4. Sir Thomas Moore
| 5. The world’s first set of traffic lights | 5. George Orwell
:green_heart: Science & Nature |
:orange_heart: Sprot & Leisure |
| 1. Cattle | 1. A full house
| 2. Energy | 2. Bjorn Borg
| 3. Twenty-four | 3. 225
| 4. Two fathoms or twelve feet | 4. Curling
| 5. Venus | 5. Stephen Hendry