The Great Pub Quiz Game Thread


The Great Boxing Hump Day Quiz! 🐪

Welcome to the Great Hump Day Quiz!

We’re always trying to add more people to our quiz gang, so check out how to hide your answers, pop them in a post, and I’ll add you to the Scoreboard. :+1::slightly_smiling_face:

:exclamation:We also have an answer template you can copy and paste now too. :+1:

Where do the questions come from?

I found a mysterious old box of trivial pursuit, with even more trivial pursuits stuffed inside. It is a treasure trove of quiz questions, and all of them really old. :slightly_smiling_face: Perfect fodder for a Hump Day special. :+1:

Piecing together a few bits and bobs, there were three sets, and a couple of the instructions. One is a Genus Edition, dated 2001, and the other the 20th Anniversary one, 2004. There’s also another old style board and questions in there that looks/smells quite a bit older. That’s the box they’re all stuffed in, and that has ©1983 printed on it. No instructions, so not sure if that’s accurate. That one says it’s a Master Game Genus Edition.

(Edit: Now with an added sprinkling of more recent questions too :+1::slightly_smiling_face:)

So, there you go. It’s a bit random, but it should add to the fun. :slightly_smiling_face:


💙 Geography
  1. The flag of which US state features the UK flag in its top-left corner?

  2. There is an English airport named after highwayman Dick Turpin. True or false?

  3. What European capital celebrated its 2,000th anniversary in 1951?

  4. What’s the world’s largest island?

  5. How many countries lie along the Greenwich Meridian line?

  1. Which of these international film festivals is the oldest - Cannes, Berlin, or Venice?

  2. Which much-loved comedian, who died in 2016, created and starred in the TV sitcom Dinnerladies?

  3. Who said of his only heterosexual experience: “My heart was never in it, but my loins were grateful for the outing and the exercise”?

  4. Which British illusionist has hosted TV shows called Mind Control and Trick of the Mind?

  5. What colour is the cat Custard in Roobarb and Custard - pink, yellow, or green?

💛 History
  1. Who replaced the assassinated Giacomo Matteotti in 1924?

  2. Instituted in 1943 by the PDSA, what is the name of the medal awarded to animals for outstanding acts of bravery in wartime?

  3. What was Queen Victoria’s real first name - Alexandrina, Eleanora, or Augusta?

  4. A large statue of what mythical creature sits by the Pyramids at Giza in Egypt?

  5. Which British political party was formed in 1900?

💩 Art & Literature
  1. Which seabird features in Samuel Taylor Coleridge’s poem “The Rime of the Ancient Mariner”?

  2. Guernica is a painting by the French artist Matisse. True or false?

  3. Who wrote It Takes a Village and Other Lessons Children Teach Us?

  4. What word is used to describe the Romans in the Horrible Histories book - Rotten, Rude, or Rough?

  5. What Latin phrase for nurturing mother is often used to describe someone’s old school?

💚 Science & Nature
  1. Sound travels faster in water than in air. True or false?

  2. Which office staple was invented by Art Fry in 1974, because he was tired of his bookmarks slipping out of his hymnal at church?

  3. What is a barometer used to measure - temperature, windspeed, or air pressure?

  4. What drug is obtained from the cinchona tree?

  5. What were the first words spoken from the moon?

🧡 Sprot & Leisure
  1. In which game can you score a strike, a spare, and a turkey?

  2. Which popular fizzy drinks brand started life as Bib-Label Lithiated Lemon-Lime Soda?

  3. What country won soccer’s first ever World Cup?

  4. What sprots brand, still in existence today, was the manufacturer of the original rugby balls in the 19th century?

  5. If I am impressing you with my reverse chops and my frantic cascade, I am - dancing, jumping, or juggling?


Total :blue_heart: :heartpulse: :yellow_heart: :poop: :green_heart: :orange_heart:
@WillC 19 3 4 5 4 1 2
@MsSubExperimenter 18 2 3 4 4 1 4
@Peitho 17 3 4 3 3 2 2
@Ian_Chimp 17 2 3 2 4 3 3
@SexInTheCity 16 2 4 2 2 2 4
@Knottydevil 15 2 2 3 4 3 1
@Craig1234 12½ 1 2 2 3 3
@littlespoons 10 1 2 4 0 1 1
The Answers

| :blue_heart: Geography | :heartpulse: Entertainment
— | — | —

  1. Hawaii[1] | 1. Venice[2]
  2. False | 2. Victoria Wood
  3. Paris | 3. Stephen Fry
  4. Greenland | 4. Derren Brown
  5. Eight[3] | 5. Pink[4]
    :yellow_heart: History |
    :poop: Arts & Literature |
  6. Benito Mussolini | 1. Albatross
  7. Dickin Medal[5] | 2. False[6]
  8. Alexandrina[7] | 3. Hillary Clinton
  9. Sphinx | 4. Rotten
  10. Labour | 5. Alma mater
    :green_heart: Science & Nature |
    :orange_heart: Sprot & Leisure |
  11. True[8] | 1. (tenpin) Bowling
  12. Post-It notes | 2. 7UP
  13. Air pressure | 3. Uruguay
  14. Quinine | 4. Gilbert
  15. Houston, Tranquillity Base here; the Eagle has landed | 5. Juggling

  1. The flag also has eight stripes representing the eight inhabited islands ↩︎

  2. It began with a screening of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde in 1932 ↩︎

  3. United Kingdom (specifically, only England), France, Spain, Algeria, Mali, Burkina Faso, Togo, and Ghana ↩︎

  4. Roobarb, the dog, is green ↩︎

  5. Named after Maris Dickin, founder of the PDSA, it has been awarded to more than 30 pigeons ↩︎

  6. It is by the Spanish artist Picasso ↩︎

  7. Alexandrina Victoria, named after her godfather, Alexander I of Russia ↩︎

  8. About four times faster ↩︎

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