The Unfortunately, Fortunately Game

Ok for example, I start by saying,"Unfortunately there was a giant evil pillow on the loose; then the next person would say...Fortunately I had a knife with me and stabbed a hole in it"

Ok lets start.
Unfortunately my vibrator ran out of batteries

Fortunately I had some power tools handy!

Unfortunately the electricity power lines were down

Fortunately i had a generator in the shed

Unfortunately the shed was locked

Fortunately the window was open

Unfortunately this allowed a burglar in to steal the contents

Fortunately the generator was too big for them to steal

Unfortunately they had stolen the diesel out of it

Fortunately it was a petrol gennie

Unfortunately a zombie apocalypse had caused petrol to become rare

Fortunately, I had a baseball bat ready to deal out some zombie beatings.

Unfortunately the baseball bat breaks on the first zombie

Fortunately I had an axe too

Unfortunately it was from 80's star Timmy mallet so was made of sponge

Fortunately zombies are scared of sponge lol

Unfortunately on male zombies are scared of sponge

Fortunately all the female zombies were trapped in a chocolate factory

Unfortunatley they will soon run out of chocolate to eat

Fortunately they had willy wonkas chocolate making machine