those who like reading erotic material

Do you miss reading it if you don't read for a while? How obsessed are you with erotic stories?

I know that porn (pictures / videos) is an obsession but I think I am obsessed with reading erotic stories.

I love them so much and they really turn me on.

oh i just get short stories and flick through them haha. im a bookworm and reading a book constantly so to me reading erotica is the same as swapping films for porn. would be strangeeeeeee

did that make sense?

I've never read an erotic book, but Hub writes sexy little stories and sends them to me ahead of special nights / weekends - knowing that i'll get so turned on.........i guess for me reading books all the time would be a bit like watching porn, ie/ becoming a bit samey.

In fact haven't really watched that many dvd's in recent months, although i have been teased using dvd's.....blindfolded, tied and left to listen to the moans and groans - imagining who's doing what to whom whilst waiting for some 'personal attention' myself!