
I didn't feel up to finishing the essay last night so I NEED to do it today so I have a few days to finish the other :-( My supervisor suggested some things to include that I'm not too familiar with and don't want to bother researching at the last minute so I'm not sure what to do about that with the limited word count I have left.

I'm just watching the F1 for the rest of the day i plan to:

finish my Lovehoney review

make some chocolate brownies

do some NVQ


make tomorrow nights tea

more back exercisesand streches

and most importantley a nice hot bath with a glass of wine!

Cleaned the fishtank, laughed at OH getting bitten by the fish (I have 2 gorgeous Black Ghost Knife fish) lol
Refilled the wild bird feeders and washed dishes. Will go make some food in a bit for tea and then I am going to relax and sketch for the rest of the evening.

I don't exercise on the weekend, I exercise 1hr per day Monday to Friday but, everyone else exercising over the weekend is making me feel guilty lol

Lifebuoy wrote:

SophieM wrote:

Practically the same as yesterday.

Treadmill and dumbbells, then the F1 GP. Not too sure what later on will bring though.

Great to work-out a bit, isn't it Sophie? But I didn't 'get' the thing you're doing next.... F1 GP?

Fuck one General Practictioner? Could be handy. Collect your pills at the same time ! : )

I do love a bit of a work out!

Hahaha, the Formula 1 Grand Prix of course! My life practically revolves around it on race weekends. :)

Watching world superbikes.

Changed the bedding, put the washing away, set up something fun for tonight if shes in the mood, just put the roast on, and am catching up on DS9 now.

Nice shave later, roast dinner, and then see if I can tie her to the bed doggy style the wand to her leg, pop a glass of ice water on her back and give her a whipping if she spills it (was glancing through FSOG)