Um, This Dildo Smells Like Shower Curtain?

Worth pointing out in the typo thread?

LoveHoney - Hella Rouge wrote:

I love the plasticy smells. Nom. I wonder if they can magically make silicone smell like the strange bouquet of plastics?

Especially love that vacuum formed PVC over foam that smells like a mix between bubbles and marker pen ^_^

I've always liked things that smell a little bit dangerous. Petrol and cigarettes puts most people off but I love it.

Tigerlilies wrote:

LoveHoney - Hella Rouge wrote:

I love the plasticy smells. Nom. I wonder if they can magically make silicone smell like the strange bouquet of plastics?

Especially love that vacuum formed PVC over foam that smells like a mix between bubbles and marker pen ^_^

I've always liked things that smell a little bit dangerous. Petrol and cigarettes puts most people off but I love it.

And shoe polish.... hum-a-nah!

Phthalates are carcinogens and teratogens (substances causing birth defects). They mimic female sex hormones leading to hormone disruption and promoting hormone-dependent types of cancer. In male embryos they cause shortening the distance between the anus and the genitalia which, in extreme cases can cause serious deformation.
However, some people don't see the importance of the issue. They think that since there is so much phthalates, a bit more won't hurt them. You must remember that sex toys touch mucous membranes that are far more absorbing than normal skin. Holding a dildo in your hand won't cause so much intake as putting it in your mouth, vagina or anus.
We should campaign to get rid of phthalates entirely, not promote them. Water bottles, nail polishes and hair sprays aren't taboo in our culture so it's simpler to require they conform to standards. Sex toys are shameful so nobody wants to campaign for them to be better. We deserve better. In stead of controlling products we should control substances. This way producers won't be able to weasel out by adding "novelty use only" on the package.

If you don't believe in carcinogenic properties of phthalates you should know that there are other, much more "real" health risks. Phthalates cause burning sensation in the mucous membranes. Jelly toys are also porous - that makes them ideal for the bacteria to live on. Even when you wash and wash and wash you won't kill them. And you can't use peroxide, boiling water, bleach or alcohols. Rinsing a silicone toy makes it cleaner than jelly which was thoroughly washed. Perfect opportunity to reinfect yourself with BV or yeast. Don't believe in toy cleaners too much. They are just another version of liquid soap.

Other than that jelly toys turn yellow.

I wish Love Honey would remove all the jelly from the store. They can always develop new, TPR or silicone toys based on good old concepts. TPR can be as cheap as jelly. And advertising as the largest green sex shop in UK would give them a boost.


Excellent informative post WO.

I shall check those studies when I have more time.

WandA wrote:

Not the same but similar problems from chemical nastiness:

Related story.

So that gorgeous smell of toy dinosaurs is a bad thing? And I probably shouldn't have sucked them . . .

Oh, well.

Mr Monster wrote:

So that gorgeous smell of toy dinosaurs is a bad thing? And I probably shouldn't have sucked them . . .

Oh, well. External Media


I love the smell of new technology! Phones especially... Must remember to keep that vibrate strictly for functional uses.