Unexpected presents from the other half!

I had a book thrown at me once, I think she deliberately aimed at my man bits and never gave an explanation as to why. It was a hardback too, left a massive bloody bruise. Don't know if it counts as a present though.

Malteser81 wrote:

My first relationship (which I hope explains why I stayed with him) was too lazy to wait till the bathroom was free and pee'd in my sock draw =S

I will say im not with him now!

External Media

Of all the things to pee in....

Not surprised you dumped him but I want to know what you done to your socksExternal Media

I can imagine how people might leave toenails and stuff around due to laziness, perhaps even skid marks on the sheets etc in a moment of panic of being caught, but PEEING IN A SOCK DRAWER? I just can't imagine the kind of mentality you'd have to have to do that. Was he sober at the time?

My ex, when very very drunk, once peed in a box full of my revision notes. It was shortly before my finals. Needless to say, I was completely hysterical with horror.

(NB: I did still get a degree!)

SS xx

When i first met my OH he was so lazy, he would take his clothes off where he was standing and not pick them up, take his socks off and shove them down the side of the setee, open draws and cupboards and not shut them and put emty bottles back in the frige instead of the bin but he's much better now, he is still messy but i'm used to it now!

Never experienced this kind of thing because I don't think anyone would dare.

Don't put up with it OA. It's disrespectful and childish. If a man or woman wants to live like a pig he can do it on his own watch.

Aniko, I'm shocked at your list. Do you want him to change? I know more hygenic toddlers.

I never knew someone could discard so many bodily fluids/rubbish bits...

Ever exercise your right of reply AA? Put a bit of menstrual blood on his toothbrush and he'll soon stop (possibly).

Gosh I'm lucky! My OH really is clean and usually pretty tidy too....he's so organised he has a list of all the food we have in the house stored on his computer.

I can't think of anything at all really.

He does leave me with creased clothes when he does the washing if I'm away - does that count? He thinks folding and hanging stuff on the maiden is too dull to be done properly, I think he's just reminding me why I usually do it really though!


I don't really understand this thread. 'X' rated talk for open minded adults? More like general whining about Ex's, lets hope everyone picking fauly is absolutely perfect themselves.

Besides, some of us are moaning about our current partners lol. I think being able to recognise someone's faults and still love them is a sign or true love. My OH doesn't text me enough and it drives me absolutely mental, but I still love him :)

I'm lucky in that I haven't had any unexpected presents of this sort from my OH, but maybe that'll change when we're living together. He does somewhat strike me as the type I'm going to have to housetrain lol.

sxe_couple21 wrote:

I don't really understand this thread. 'X' rated talk for open minded adults? More like general whining about Ex's, lets hope everyone picking fauly is absolutely perfect themselves.


You don't have to read such tedious whining...

Avrielle_Aniko wrote:

Tigerlilies wrote:

Never experienced this kind of thing because I don't think anyone would dare.

Don't put up with it OA. It's disrespectful and childish. If a man or woman wants to live like a pig he can do it on his own watch.

Aniko, I'm shocked at your list. Do you want him to change? I know more hygenic toddlers.

WandA wrote:

I never knew someone could discard so many bodily fluids/rubbish bits...

Ever exercise your right of reply AA? Put a bit of menstrual blood on his toothbrush and he'll soon stop (possibly).

Lol! Its really horrible, but if I did things in return, he'd just be even worse! heh. Some of it is really nasty, but in a way I don't mind because I can hate him and shout at him for a reason, and can't say I'm being unreasonable. It's a strange relationship we have.

Just as long as he's appreciating you as his partner, not his zookeeper. You're clearly lovely and you don't deserve that kind of malarke when you're scrubbing up at work all day too!

I just wonder what Ex's/Currents would feel about some of the things written in this thread?

I know for one I wouldn't feel great reading a list of my flaws in any form. Especially not from a person I'm in a relationship with.

Well I'd love to join in the fun you guys are on about, but I honestly can't.

Sounds really soppy to say but my Mrs doesn't really have any of those sorts of habits.

Now our two cats are a different story. Dead spiders, bits of claws, and fur! The two of them should be bald the amount of fur they leave everywhere!

sxe_couple21 wrote:

I just wonder what Ex's/Currents would feel about some of the things written in this thread?

I know for one I wouldn't feel great reading a list of my flaws in any form. Especially not from a person I'm in a relationship with.

It's a bit of fun.

I would imagine most of the people posting about their currents know that they would be fine about it for one....for another, it's the beauty of anonymity - it allows us to know, hey noones perfect, without having the world know our (or our partner's) faults. Most of us are anonymous, and even if we aren't - our partners are.


One of my friend's best traits is that I have on occasion woken up to him polishing. Bliss.

I'm unashamedly intolerant of a man with an untidy house. If I walk in and it's a state, I lose my hard on immediately. And speedily regain excuses to leave.

I think it's because I presume a man who can't keep clean probably can't wash his willy.....

I've also been bemused by some of my girlfriends attraction to 'messy' boys. It seems to bring out the mother in them which is just the ticket for a co-dependent shit storm in my book but ce la vie. Thank god someone's taking them off the market. External Media

Chris Stefani wrote:

Well I'd love to join in the fun you guys are on about, but I honestly can't.

Sounds really soppy to say but my Mrs doesn't really have any of those sorts of habits.

Now our two cats are a different story. Dead spiders, bits of claws, and fur! The two of them should be bald the amount of fur they leave everywhere!

One of my cats went through a dead frog phase. Dark times.

* c'est la vie even. I'm not a cunning linguist.

Tigerlilies wrote:

* c'est la vie even. I'm not a cunning linguist.

*Ba dum cchhhhhh*

Its all foreign to me.

WandA wrote:

Tigerlilies wrote:

* c'est la vie even. I'm not a cunning linguist.

*Ba dum cchhhhhh*

Its all foreign to me.

I'm trying to think of one final pun to complete the comedy rule of three but it's too early in the morning.

Ask yourself this, would you be happy if you ever read a list of your own flaws written by somebody you love? (Come on we've all seen Freinds [or am I getting that old], it didn't go down well)

Ecksvie wrote:

Besides, some of us are moaning about our current partners lol. I think being able to recognise someone's faults and still love them is a sign or true love.

See this is where I disagree. I can't think of one thing that I'm loving my partner 'despite of'. Maybe thats why this thread doesn't sit right with me.

Anyway I'll leave you all to it; I'm going to go and leave a teabag on the draining board, pass wind and generally spread a 'male odour' around the place.