Up loading photo

How long does it take to get your photos uploaded to your profile?

Normally within 24 hours - depending on whether moderators are available to process them.

When did you upload them?


Wife uploaded them on Friday 

When about on Friday? No pictures get processed over the weekend.

Are you absolutely sure all rules were followed?


Yeah I think all photos are okay... Not sure when she uploaded them on Friday

I can only suggest maybe contacting customer care and asking if they can shed any light on it. I have done this before and although they cannot give an immediate response they do 'flag' it with the necessary person and get a reply to you. Sometimes they just get missed, but sometimes there is an issue with the pics themselves. Unfortunately you will not be informed if they are not suitable, they will just continue to show on your account as 'processing'.

Sorry I can't give a definitive answer xx

Okay thanks for your help lovingnewtoys ![](upload://ez5kOkpKXRZOxjavAURYmQxVTau.gif)

Are the photos showing up as processing on your account?

I have been at college learning stuffs so sadly had limited access to work PC.

I am on the photos today so you shall soon know ![wink|20x20](upload://h7LJ67OOrR57VDYrj5ZEwwHAfLG.gif "wink")