
Wait until you find the right person, and when you are sure they are the right person, and you are ready to, sit them down and have a talk. Explain your worries, and that you want to be intimate with them, so that they will understand and take it at your pace, relaxing you and making it as special as possible. You only get one first time so don't rush it or view it as something troublesome, its something special that you get to choose who you share it with. I had the same fears as you, but when I met my partner I knew he was the right person and he was incredibly supportive, so when the time came I was relaxed enough to put the fears aside and just enjoy being with them. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin at 21 or even 31, if you choose to wait until its right you should be proud of that.

Don't do it until you want to....there's no rush and you can make up for it when you do find the right person! :)

Hi, dont be embarrassed about been a virgin. You will get your right time, and please dont waste it like I did, there is nothing better than trust and love in the bedroom department. as for " I just don't think I should inflict being naked upon anybody", I can say this, it dont matter ir you are large of slim, tall or short, you get the jist, there is someone out there who will worship the ground you walk on and find your body very sexy. love yourself for who you are X

Pixie join the club! For me its not that I dont want to loose it, its just that the situation has just never happened for me. Dont feel too bad though I would consider a female virgin a good thing not bad whilst I would think females would react the opposite to male virgins.

Pixie_91 wrote:

Ok so this is very embarrassing but basically I'm still a virgin even though I'm 21, it's not like I want to be a virgin still I'm just slightly scared. I know loads of people say fear means that you're too immature but that's crap (sorry) I'm not scared of sex I just don't think I should inflict being naked upon anybody and I know that it will be awkward (unavoidable apparently) but awkward situations are my kryptonite! I hate embarrassment bad as that sounds. Any suggestions? Pretty please can nobody say get drunk as I'm not able/allowed to drink :(
Thanks in advance! Sorry for the mini rant!

No need to rush losing your virginity. I was 26 and have made up for lost time!

There is a lot to be said for having sex with someone who, dare I say, you care about. One night stands are sordid and open you up to all sorts of risks including STDs. In the past I've had one night stands and am not proud of the fact and would not want you to make the same mistakes.


Scottish wrote:

rclam wrote:

Pixie join the club! For me its not that I dont want to loose it, its just that the situation has just never happened for me. Dont feel too bad though I would consider a female virgin a good thing not bad whilst I would think females would react the opposite to male virgins.

I am very much in the same position as your self, but it hopefully will happen at some point.

I disagree with this. I am female and i don't think badly of anyone being a virgin, male or female. On the contrary, i think it is a good thing, it shows that you value yourself and are willing to wait for the right person to share that special experience with x

You shouldn't be embarresed that you're still a virgin at 21. I know people who lost their virginity from the ages 22-25. I hope you're not feeling pressured by anyone to have sex whether its your friends or anyone. I absolutely hate the feeling of embarresment as well, i still feel embarresed infron of my OH fron just being naked infront of him. Its something that may or may not go away.
You have sex when you're ready, whether it's with someone you know or not. Though losing your virginity to a stranger may not be the way to go. They might not respect you or the fact that it will be your first time and you may not know what std's they might have and haven't told you. Everyone is different on that opinion i suppose, some people would prefer it to be a stranger where others prefer to be in a relationship. Whichever one you prefer you need to feel comfortable with that person. Don't just give it away like its nothing. x

Often you see these "When did you loose your virginity?" threads pop up and most of the replies are always around 15 which doesnt make you feel great to be honest. For me its not about being ready. Ive been ready ever since my early teen years. It's just that the situation has never happened to me. Should I actively be going about trying to loose it? Thats the hard question. Clearly just getting on with normal life isnt doing anything for me. As much as I would hate to say it, all this loosing your virginity thing is all largely social pressure because its not considered normal if you havent lost your virginity past say 20 and all most people want to be is just normal/accepted.