Was my review too rude? 😕

So I've recently been lucky enough to review a few testers sent to me, I've done my reviews & they've gone live in less than 24 hours but the last one I've done is still waiting approval, I'm just wondering if maybe I've been too explicit....would love honey tell me or just not publish it? I really enjoy doing them so hope I haven't messed things up.....are we allowed to say cock or should I have wrote penis lol! Just wondering ha ha! 😂 x

If it was a secret tester your review may not go live until the product is actually live on the site. I think there are some testers that the review helps Lovehoney determine if they want to stock a product for sale. I am sure if your word choice is deemed too explicit they can adjust it or revise it? I have never used either word, but I am female reviewer.

I'm a female reviewer too lol, it wasn't a secret item I was just explaining how realistic it was & said it felt like a real cock...penis just sounded to stuffy & clinical.....I'll leave it another day or 2 & maybe email to check, thanks for the reply 😊 X

Well there are toys called cock rings so I think the word might be ok to use if describing that toy? They may prefer penis for other toys though But don't quote me on that! Like Vanessa said it's probably just because it's a tester that hasn't gone live yet/Cazz was busy today and will approve it tomorrow x

I have also had reviews take longer to post because maybe Cazz / the Lovehoney team got a BUNCH in all at the same time?

i wouldnt think so i have ben very explicit in some of my reviews and they have gon eup fine maybe just have a back log of reviews to make live...

I recall it being said before if somethings too explicit they just removed the words/sentences and replace them with something less graphic.

Chances are they haven't had time to process them yet.

As long as it's not graphic or over the top with information, it's generally okay. As long as it doesn't read like creepy fanfiction, I don't see why they'd mind.

I've had reviews take upto a week to be accepted, generally because they're busy

guess if it was too rude it would just be edited.sometimes if they have had loads of reviews come in at the same time then it does take a while for them to go through them all so just takes a bit longer to go live.sometimes you dont always get a e-mail and the review still goes live.

we would sooner it a bit rude. just seems to make them more real to us

Thanks everyone, that's set my mind at rest a bit more, I really enjoy doing them so hopefully it's just a backlog & I can carry on doing them....I've never had so much fun in my life, wish this was a full time job ha ha! 😜 x

I would say our reviewing team just has not had enough time to get to it yet, the reviews have been flying in at the moment! x Don't worry- if there was any troubles we would let you know.

Thanks for replying Paige...I was just worrying I might not be chosen again lol! I'm having so much fun...please don't take this away from me lol! 😂 x

Kimberleyking wrote:

i wouldnt think so i have ben very explicit in some of my reviews and they have gon eup fine maybe just have a back log of reviews to make live...

I've just read some of your reviews....we have a very similar writing style...& there's a few things I need to try now ha ha! I think it'll be ok lol! 😉 x

I doubt it's because you were too explicit, if it is, they'll just edit it, if it's really so bad that there's nothing they can do to fix it they'll probably ask you to redo it if it's a tester. If it's a secret tester it might not go live at all, I've had a few that are products I. Development and never actually go on the site

I wouldn't worry. I've used the word cock in a couple of my reviews. They took a couple of days, so I'm sure yours are fine too.

Yes I think using the word penis is a bit too clinical. :)

Maybe ill have to try using winkie and other amusing penis names in future reviews for my own amusment!

I doubt your review was too rude

Hi jr78

Which product did you review?

Has it been published now or are you still waiting? 


Winkie!? lol haven't heard that one in a while.

What about womb raider haha

Ozz wrote:

Winkie!? lol haven't heard that one in a while.

What about womb raider haha

Sounds like a really bad porn parody lol