Weight loss

Thanks for your support. Hope your weight loss journey goes well too.


Thanks im sure it will improve when I’m well enough to excercise again

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Write a log of everything you eat - it’s easy to forget stuff or mis-judge portion size. But if you’re actively writing it all down you can see where you are accidentally sabotaging yourself.

Otherwise as others have said, focus on making healthy changes to diet and activity, and celebrate getting those right. You can’t control the number on the scale, but you can control doing healthy thing for you body - so focus on looking after your body and the weight will take care of itself over time.


Thanks will try writing it all down.:+1:

Keeping an eye on this one because I’m unhappy with my body at the minute. My knee is in a bad way at the minute so hard running is out for me currently.


Calculate your TDEE and calorie count. Be more active/exercise

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Ive been told that those with higher muscle mass burn more calories too so weight lifting can help but you may need to factor calories into it

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Well done @kinkymira. :star: We’re doing the same as you. Mrs S says her maximum size ever was 18 in about 1983 but she’s now a 10 again and back to where she was in her 20s. :dancer:


Slimming world is amazing! You can do it online if you cant visit the group, which is what I do and lost over 2 stone


Thanks @Serpentwand and same to Mrs S. I was a size 16 when I was 16, so I’m smaller now than I was then. I’m never going to be tiny, but I’m much happier with my lifestyle choices now.


Spot on!


We improvise a few exercises on our regular walk. Lifting a heavy brick (7 or 8 lbs) up from shoulder height to full stretch overhead, push ups on a bench, pull ups on a tree branch I can get my hands round and lock the fingers together. We only have a chest expander at home that we also do rowing exercise with. I do some pull ups with my fingertips on the edge of a door frame. The other exercises don’t need any equipment.


Pumpkins are a good option round about now too. ‘Picked up’ a massive one from the local farm shop for £1 - weighs a ton!


I’ve found there is so much “advice” out there.

Counting calories is very useful to help you understand where you’re going wrong and where to improve. Counting for the sake of it probably won’t work.

Where you can, increase your exercise and decrease your food intake. Find what works for you and what’s sustainable.

Don’t worry about numbers for the sake of it. I got addicted to tracking my step count and trying to do 10k steps a day. It’s useful but ultimately it’s the calorie burn that’s important. For me I prefer to cycle than walk on the school run as I found its a better calorie burn than walking despite the fewer steps.

If you’re into that much exercise I’d recommend HIIT workouts such as the Joe Wicks ones,very good short bursts of exercise that can be good at building muscle too.


Thanks for everyone’s advice and have been at it for a few weeks now and can start to see a difference also pleased with a 9lb weight loss.


Thats great well done. Keep up the good work!


I’ve lost 1 stone and a half over two months by doing three things:

  1. Think about what you eat. I reduced portion size, sugar free drinks (I like Pepsi max anyway) and cut down on snacks. I was constantly grazing which was a big problem

  2. More movement & exercise. During lockdown I got hold of the Nintendo switch ring fit and honestly it’s been great, hard work and something I’ve happily gone back to. You need to find something you like and won’t make excuses for not doing.

  3. Picture your goal and build that motivation. It’s ok to say lose 2 stone, but I found it helpful to view myself in a mirror and old photo and said that’s what I want to look like again. The reminder I’ve found has been a helpful motivation. You will want to find yours.

Good luck with the weight loss :+1:


Taking regular pictures in the mirror is a much more realistic way to compare yourself than your weight measurements.

I’d also recommend getting a set of scales that also measure your body fat % as well, might be that although you haven’t lost any weight it’s because you’ve gained muscle weight yet lost fat.


Diet and exercise and the best and healthiest way around it! All these juice plus etc fads are garbage snd you’re body doesn’t get what needs! I was 15st for as long as I can remember but trim at the same time! Last couple of years I’ve been 17st! I exercise a lot and my job is always physical so I still look good if I say so myself :muscle::joy: if I really wanted to lose a few pounds I’d simply change my diet! And by exercise you’ve got to get the heart going and get sweating, no point in just going for a stroll! Swimming is a good one for me :ok_hand:

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Don’t change what you eat, just how much (30% less on average). Walk for 30 minutes a day and do at least 1 hour long walk at the weekend (one rest day). Drink plenty of water, no sugary soda drinks.

35 kg in 6 months, it worked for me. :grin: