What are you craving right now?

@WillC @CurvyJilly yes that defo yes lol I need someone with some common sense to talk too

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Ooh Twiglets! Now thatā€™s got me craving them too! @MsR :yum:


@MsR @wildflower best thing about this time of year. They are readily available


@Orgasm_Chaser They seem to sell out very quickly in our local Asda, along with Cheesy Footballs!


Cheesy footballs. Mmmm that filling is dangerous haha

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My hubby thinks theyā€™re the most disgusting snacks on earth! I love them !


Ohhh nooo there is something so morish (omg how do you spell it. Brain fuzz) about them. They go too quickly

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I know exactly what you mean. Once I start I canā€™t stop! Just as well he doesnā€™t like them, theyā€™d be none left for him anyway :joy:

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Iā€™m now craving orange chocolate buttons after @Orgasm_Chaser mentioned them in another thread!!

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@SexInTheCity I have some of those in fridge. Once you pop you canā€™t stop, so yummy


A few glasses of Raspberry vodka and cokes and a some sexy time with the husband :yum:


Can you remember the mudshakes?

Mine donā€™t even make it to my cupboard so youā€™re doing better than me!! The temptation is too muchā€¦ I have zero will power!

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Iā€™ve been following the Slimming World plan for 4 years now. Iā€™m craving cake!

@VanillaWithSprinkles Thats a good move I train 5 to 6 days a week often can be seen running around the park

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@wildflower twiglets, but marmite in general does the trick! (hmm - have had a couple of glasses of wine, wondering if I can send OH down to the shop for twiglets?)

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A big cuddle from a friend of mine would hit the spot perfectly right now!


Migraines are nasty.
When I get them (not as often, now, thankfully) I tend to either crave or turn away from caffeine / sugar / bright light.
Go with what your body tells you?
Take painkillers - not just paracetamol, that just reminds you that you feel like shit. Solpadine or Nurofen? Both? (Obviously check the packets).
And try to sleep - or at least be horizontal.
I hope you feel better soon x


As another migraine sufferer, you have my sympathy @Justthe2ofus2007. One of the triggers for mine is stress. The only things that I can suggest is what I do for mineā€¦ One Ibuprofen, one paracetamol ( or OTC migraine relief) a glass of water and a quiet, darkened room to try to sleep it off.


Undisturbed intimate session with my OH followed by a nice hot bath and a bottle of wine and candles! :yum: