What pays your bills

So I’m sure this has been discussed before but it’s a new year and alot of people change jobs in January so I’ll ask again.

What does everyone do to pay the never decreasing bills??

The Mrs is a Teacher and I’m a Estate Manager for a diplomatic Family.

Just an industrial trainer

I use 0% credit card, to elongate the repayment period, but ensure that a DD is setup to cover the minimum payment/ installment.

Not a perfect solution but does work.

I am not giving financial advice, just explaining my own personal circumstance. So you need to use your own judgement.

Misunderstood the question, both work as consultants.

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These days it’s highrise construction foreman but I have had several very different career paths over the years.

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35yrs in I.T. but since the pandemic gave up all of that and I’m now pursuing my love of photography after winning a national magazine photographic competition. OH is a very talented project manager in the world of I.T.



That’s very cool. I got out of photography once it went digital. Did it for about 10 years or so.

Recently retired, so my Super at this stage.

High volume/weight freight expeditor, aka truck driver!!!

Retired and wife disabled and retired . Pensions and social security . So far with crazy inflation , getting along OK . After retiring I have had too many job offers and thank them and say maybe you do not understand retirement ?

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Nurse specialist for me and call centre worker for my wife

See when in the UK your train is stopped due to signalling error or equipment failing?
Im one of the folk who come out to fix it.


Financial Services for the Agricultural sector

Must be busy the last few months

Me and the Mrs are both teachers

But oh the temptation to earn money with sexy, fun things instead!

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Marketing Executive.

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Mr is a marine engineer/welder fabricator (currently seeking more work if anyone knows of anything?)

Mrs owns a business in holiday home management.

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Im always busy in my area. Not faults but playing catch up on maintenance due to covid & the company i work for making silly decisions that have massively compromised safety