Money vs happiness - career advice poll!

OK, so this is entirely academic as I may be offered neither, but I may find myself in a position a week or two where I have 2 job offers on the table. Wanted to see what you all think you'd do :)

One thing to bear in mind is that I live in a fairly rural area and jobs are few and far between. You either need to work for a pittance or commute at considerable expense.

Job 'A' - is a very menial job. Something I think I would be bored at, watching paint dry bored. It's literally a 10 minute walk from home and is decent money (for here) at 24k pro-rata but fixed term for only 10 months. After 10 months I could land on my feet and go straight into another job, or I could find myself either out of work for a couple of months or having to take another job I hate...

Job 'B' is a more interesting job, and for a company I'd love to work for and whose values and mission I love. A dream company. However it is part-time at 15hrs pw, and therefore only pays 6k a year. At this rate I wouldn't pay tax and I'd also save on further childcare costs that we'd incur with both my OH and I both working F/T. It's about 40mins by car away. It too is fixed term, but for 24 months. Jobs at company B are rare as they rely heavily on volunteers. The chance of there being another paid job with them, full or part time in 10 months is unlikely.

What would you go for? A or B?

Personally I would go for Job A .

I would use it as a stepping stone and continue looking for other jobs . It will also allow you to test the water and convince them in extending your contract .

It sounds to me its a type of job that is dependent on how the company is doing . If its doing well and they like your work then they will possibly keep you on. But if the company isn't doing as well as expected then you'll be the first out of the door .

As its decent money it will give you chance of putting some away just in case as well. I wouldn't go down the route of improving your life style and spend everything you get. Try to live in your existing budget so to speak until you get an extended contract.

You won't have any travelling expences to concrn yourself about and with only 10 minutes walking time you'll be home pretty early as well .

My concerns about Job B is that they don't have many in their paid workforce . If its unlikely that they would exend your contract then A would be my choice.

But still look around for something more permanent.

I should clarify company 'A' currently own the contract running things for a smaller local company. Which expires in 10 & a half months. I expect any chance of an extension beyond 10 months hinges on whether they bother to renew their contract or relinquish it. At such a menial level, my personal performance in the job will have next to no impact on whether the contract will be extended...

And I did see that yes, but it's not put me off. Massage is a major part of my OH and I's love life, and I'm desperate to try Nuru :)

Sex Squid wrote:

I should clarify company 'A' currently own the contract running things for a smaller local company. Which expires in 10 & a half months. I expect any chance of an extension beyond 10 months hinges on whether they bother to renew their contract or relinquish it. At such a menial level, my personal performance in the job will have next to no impact on whether the contract will be extended...

Back on Topic

I guess its Job B then ! . Whilst its low paid you may get assistance with your childcare costs but I would look into that before you decide. The last 2 governments have really cut back on Child Tax Credits which includes Child Care assistance. I think its been rebranded as Working Tax Credits now .

With it being part time it will be easier for you to arrange job interviews for other jobs. With either of thse jobs I would still be job hunting .

If you know your Mrs's salary the tax dept should be able to give you some sort of approx figure over the phone .

If your married then you could give your allowances to your Mrs which could be worth upto another £200 per year.You wouldn't be able to do this with Job A

B. If you can afford to work part time. Then choose to be happy. Content with what you're doing and having time with your family.

I'd go A, do 10 months of suffering, save every penny you can and put your family in a better position.
But I guess it depends on your current situation, if you own your own house and are doing fine for money then take B. If you don't own a house and struggle for a week long holiday at the coast. Take A, if it pays for an amazing holiday or two or a deposit for a house then it's worth it.
This is how me and OH work, we work serious hours and really hard work, but we holiday every three months, it's totally worth it. Whereas my parents work part time and everyday life is fairly easy, but they haven't had a holiday that wasn't out of the newspaper for 5 years.

This is always a difficult choice. Financially it is not massively clear when all are taken into consideration which is better.

However if B is more fulfilling and likely to be long term then if you can deal with money and childcare then that would be my suggestion.

MY reasoning is as someone who 5 years ago changed career completely from one that paid very well to one that i love but pays much less (I used to pay more in tax than I took home initially with my new career), I would not change back at all. The cliche of money not being the only thing is only really brought home when you do a job you love. I was in the enviable position of my wife increasing her hours and seniority so able to cover my drop in earnings (which is now gradually trickling back up).

SO weigh up the pros/cons and then make a decision.

We can survive with me at company B but it is a huge drop. Our combined income will be less than what I earned alone before redundancy hit....

My wife wants me to take job B if I get it, but I do worry. We have a mortgage to pay. Affordable, but still....

A 40 minute commute for a part time job? If job B was stepping stone into a full time career in that field it may make more sense... But I wouldn't commute that long because it's expensive / cuts into your take home pay and limits time with family by an additional 1 hour plus a day.

If you convince yourself your going to miserable at Job A you will be, but if you do that job you gotta ficus on the positives and I agree save up your funds.

You don't mention job C? Are you currently employed elsewhere? Do you HAVE to change jobs?

Either is a compromise. But I am swayed to A also because it is short, you're not confining yourself you can keep looking for a job that isn't a compromise. Am I right in calculating that you will have 19k extra with job A? That will easily pay for childcare, take a chunk out of a mortgage and get a family holiday.

Job A is 24k, pro-rata that it's 10 months 20k before tax = 17 take home, minus childcare of about a grand.

Job B is 6k but only 15hrs pw so no childcare needed, so 6k. There's 10k difference essentially...

I got made redundant recently, got a nice five figure sum as payout, but we can afford the mortgage purely on my wife's wage alone (I am on job seekers at the moment). My last job was incredibly stressful, hence why my wife wants me to step back and work part time and have more time at home. My old commute was nearly an hour and a half and I used to be out the house 12+hrs a day.

Sex Squid wrote:

Job A is 24k, pro-rata that it's 10 months 20k before tax = 17 take home, minus childcare of about a grand.

Job B is 6k but only 15hrs pw so no childcare needed, so 6k. There's 10k difference essentially...

I got made redundant recently, got a nice five figure sum as payout, but we can afford the mortgage purely on my wife's wage alone (I am on job seekers at the moment). My last job was incredibly stressful, hence why my wife wants me to step back and work part time and have more time at home. My old commute was nearly an hour and a half and I used to be out the house 12+hrs a day.

For quality of life then perhaps job B . I took an easier job with lower pay when I switched from my Banking Career to a number 2 in a small building company. Obviously as we have built the firm up my earnings have now overtaken what I earned in the bank. But its taken an amount of time to get there but it means I get home much early and much less stress even though I am the type that can't switch off.

Money isn't everything and no matter whatever you earn it will never be enough .

Job B. I'll always value happiness over money if the lack of money won't make me more unhappy (I.e. If I'm starving hungry, the best job in the world isn't going to make my happy)

Could job B be a stepping stone to something better paid in a similar company?

Another way of looking at it. Which ever job you decide to go for its a win win situation. Either job will improve things for you so that way you can't lose.

Job A has the more money and is more local .

Job B has more life quality issues with being part time. I would now err towards job B as the hours may suit you more if you havn't worked for some time, Thats why many companies offer rehabilitiation schemes after long and medium term illness to ease employees back into work on on a reduced hour basis becasue it may be too much to expect them to perform on full hours having been off work so long.

Technically both jobs are local because I don't need to commute by boat to the mainland ;)

I would take job B and look for another part time job to fill the extra time and wallet if needed

Well, it's all academic but we'll see. Thank you all for replying :)

Interview for job B is first thing tomorrow!

Early night and no booze :)

I'd probably take job A. 40 minutes to go and 40 minutes to return is a huge amount of time and travel cost for a 3 hour/day (assuming it's 15 hours a week divided in 5 workdays) work schedule. I think money does bring happiness, sorry, but when you're lacking it, your life is way more stressful than any boring job would be. So while money is made out to be the devil in our society, one can't really survive on happiness alone either!

Whatever you choose, good luck!

I've had a good long think and I'm torn. Job B would be my gut instinct but I'd rather have the extra money and security from job A. You could always look for another job (part or full time) whilst working job B if things become tight with money and if I were you I'd spend more time with your family during this time. BUT Job A = more money which makes everything easier. What to do!?!

I think you need to factor the real cost of the commute. If that is 5 days/week it will cost about £1200/year just in fuel and even if you are the king of bangernomics it's going to cost another £1000/year in tax, insurance, mot tyres, etc and eventual car replacement. So the job is going to net you under £4k assuming it does not involve any other costs (eating away from home for example).