What time of the day do you usually have sex?

Hi all,

i understand that it might sound like a daft title but there's a genuine question behind it. So, what time of the day do you usually have sex?

- bit of info then. The reason I am asking is this. My wife and I 100% of the time have sex at bed time. We got to bed, I usually have to initiate and then we have sex then go to sleep.

One of my problems with this is the fact I always need to start things off and although we both enjoy sex, there's probably a better time than pulling off her pyjamas with the lights off while she struggles to slop yawning!

on the rare occasion that we have a day at the weekend off work together it is normally a different experience. She will be wearing some underwear that she knows I like, we will be hanging around with each other or cooking or whatever and the fact I can't keep my hands off her will start things going and then we will have great, patient long sex (in daylight) and we both really enjoy it.

ive bought her nice baby dolls and things for bed that I hoped would help put us both in the mood a bit more rather than one of us saying 'are you tired?' As a way of initiating sex. But she only wears then if I ask her to which sort of ruins the point.

i started is because I am curious on both what other people do or on opinions on what I have said.

It was a bit like that with my ex husband at one point...then I decided to change that and spice up a bit

So I was initiating just back from work... You can have a quicker dinner or one less episode of your favourite TV show but enjoy sex really awake

Teasing texts etc helped to put the mood on before going home

Hope that helps!

Now single but when I was in a relationship we tended to enjoy sex eve or morning :) either one was start never by conversation but was often sensual with a massage or something :)

Maybe chat with her it toke me a long time to get this confidence to tell a bloke what I want.

During the week we don't have proper sex in the true sense of the word unless we are both off work.

However that doesn't stop us kidding ,cuddling and teasing.

At weekends we both go to bed wearing sexy things or next to nothings and we often have sex in the mornings. The only evening we are likely to have sex is probably Saturday night when we come back from a date night. We both make an effort in dressing attractively for each other and then when we get back we can't keep our hands off each other.

We are also active roleplayers as well but this is mostly done in summer when we are both off work and sometimes at weekends .

As I am in the main the dominant in the relationship ,then it's me that organises the restraints ,toys and implements .She organises the costumes for roleplaying though. Very rare though we occasionally switch roles. Her as a dominant is a big turn on for me and sometimes scares me a little as well.

I find morning sex the best especially at the weekend when we don't have anywhere to be. Sometimes I find that if I leave it too late in the evenings then I'm shattered and it can take me a long time to get into it or I just don't feel it at all. I agree with what elo01 said about sexy texts/ messages. Sending or recieving one during the day when I'm at work gets me really in the mood and as soon as we're home I'm practically tearing his clothes off.

Mostly first thing in the morning or at night a few hours before we go to sleep. It's rare we do it during the day as he's either at work, or at his yard sorting his horses

Morning, afternoon, evening, middle of the night! Whenever we feel like :)

We enjoy morning sex most, but we have sex whenever we can as we're long distance and need to make the most of our time.

I love morning sex, but OH is a lunchtime kind of guy, so this generally means a lot of forplay. Lucky me.

My favourite time is morning, but anytime at the moment would be great.

Usually always at night, but had sex this morning as when had nothing to get up for. (Bliss!) ![](upload://rA41UoqYzU9yrgGiJUyzuRc98GV.gif)

I only see my boyfriend every other weekend, and if it's been longer we often have sex as soon as we can get our hands on each other! But usually it's at night, often in the morning and occasionally in the middle of the day if we are having a lazy day :)

My man and I don't live together yet but we've both been married before, we are still honeymoon stage so we are still at it all the time, despite 6 kids between us so if they're occupied we will in the day, we always do at bedtime and every morning we're together I wake him up with a blow job. It sounds like your wife is tired, why don't you ask her what you could do to lighten her load so that she can think about doing things to please you too! Washing up and putting the kids to bed is really endearing, you could talk to her about what you would like her to wear and do with sexy texts in the day!

At bedtime during the week which as you say isn't really the best time for romance/foreplay etc but we do tend to take a lot more time over it at weekends and really enjoy each other, experiment and play more.

At bedtime usually. I'm not a fan of sex first thing in the morning as I like to take my time and enjoy it thoroughly. When I wake up my mind is usually on getting up to let the dog out, feed all my animals etc so I always feel as though I'm rushing things x

Afternoons are best for me after I have walked the dogs and before I get tired or too full of supper. It's easier at the weekends if the house is empty, we can take our time.

Usually in the evening when the kids have finally gone to sleep. We dont live together anymore so we dont do it when we go to bed, though when we did live together we didnt do it then either. When i go to bed its because im exhausted. I don't like morning sex so we don't do it then and we never have the opportunity during the day.

At night, usually before going to bed (or when in bed).

Used to be bedtime, or initiate it and 'go up to bed' a bit earlier so it wasn't disturbing bedtime as such. Husband prefers morning sex, I prefer sex whenever. Usually on a weekend, we'll go back to bed on an afternoon when our son is out with his grandparents, and make the most of the empty house.

Just before we go to sleep normally, unless we don't have to get up for work etc then morning as well, and on a weekend it's as often as we can! :)

Mostly at bedtime,but if we are off morning sex happens and if we have the house to ourselves during the day ( that doesn't happen very often due to work and a teenager)