What's your Hollywood Porn? Innocent Cinema that Turns you On.

After a little classic called The Secretary was mentioned in a few threads I was curious if anyone has a film in their collection that really sparks off their imagination. Only it has to be a film that isn't classified as porn that you could see in a theatre. Bonus points if it doesn't contain sex scenes or nudity.

Maybe it was a PG but something about the tension in say a Merchant Ivory or a rom-com did it for you. A stunner in a James Bond. Maybe you fancy Simba? Actually I don't want to know about that last one but tell us what movies can move you, OA.

Tigerlilies x

Heh it has to be said I don't think Secretary could ever be classed as Innocent! ;)

LivingFire wrote:

Heh it has to be said I don't think Secretary could ever be classed as Innocent! ;)

Very true. I guess it depends how soon you've watched it after less noble moments in a your browser history ;)

Does 9 songs count? I do like it!

WandA wrote:

Does 9 songs count? I do like it!

This is a good film - although we never managed to watch all of it in one go. Being split up into chunks make it easier to figure out where you were up to though.

The Secretary and 9 Songs are probably the only sexy films I've watched.


Walkabout !!!


I absolutely love Priest by Jimmy McGovern. It starred Linus Roache and Robert Carlyle. Not seen it for ages,need to watch it now i've thought of it again!

Well St.trinians kinda gets me thinking but then again I think that mey be the stockings

lol..... you DO love me in stockings ValleyBoyo but I agree that The Seretary does make me want to go and play after watching it, will have to get it for my collection :S

*Starts looking on play.com to see how much it is

To Die For with Nicole Kidman ... watching her dance in the rain lead to the first sexual feelings and attraction I ever had.

Cruel Intentions ... reminds me of the first girl I kissed and played with!

From Dusk till Dawn ... when Salma Hayek does the snake dance, puts her toe in a guys mouth and pours liquer down her leg from him to drink.

Any film featuring corsets!


Oh I thought of one - THAT scene in Forty Days and Forty Nights - the one with the petals!


OOh and Mr & Mrs Smith when they have the shoot out in the house then really passionate sex...all that rough and tumble gets me going!


Ok, im gona sound so sad n girly but Dirty dancing always get me stiring. I saw it first when i was about 14 and it was the sexyest thing i had seen

I have a few actually, Secretary, Cruel Intentions, From Dusk Til Dawn, Ginger Snaps (Oh the things I could do to Ginger!)... hang on, let me go check my DVD's...

... Dirty Dancing, Black Snake Moan, Rock Star, Crash (The one about the people who get aroused by road traffic accidents. NOT a fetish of mine but there's a lot of shagging in that movie!) and my absolute favourite:- Queen Of The Damned (don't ask, I was a Goth at the time!)

But there's some "innocent" TV that really gets me going at the moment. Secret Diary of a Call Girl and Being Human.

The things I would do to Aiden Turner (Mitchell the vampire) are illegal in several countries. I don't do threesomes as a rule but if he was the third party I would make an exception...

I used to feel "funny" when I looked at princess Jasmine from Aladin and Ariel from the Little Mermaid...looking back actually those were probably my first sexual feelings...I still get a little tingle when I see them now!


Um..on the Ariel note does anyone know how to make a bra from clam shells? I have the shells and they fit (don't ask) I rather liked Aladdin KP, shall we split them?

Hmm, a few here I think.
Coyote Ugly
Ever After
is it weird if I add Serenity?..and bits of LOTR

There are a few others but it's more associative than the actual film. Also a few men in the films that are a turn on even in the actions or film do not e.g. Hugh Jackman as wolverine.

Nothing else springs to mind.

BumLovingCriminal, have you caught Desperate Romantics? Features Aiden Turner as a lecherous 19th century artist.

Puppies77 wrote:

Ok, im gona sound so sad n girly but Dirty dancing always get me stiring. I saw it first when i was about 14 and it was the sexyest thing i had seenExternal Media

Me too! also St Trinnians 1 and 2 not sure why tho.

Ilovemyman wrote:

Puppies77 wrote:

Ok, im gona sound so sad n girly but Dirty dancing always get me stiring. I saw it first when i was about 14 and it was the sexyest thing i had seenExternal Media

Me too! also St Trinnians 1 and 2 not sure why tho.

I've not seen them :S