What's your total...?

Lovehoney only: Approx $350 USD.
Current total collection: Two to three times that
Lifetime total: Yeah, don't even want to consider it :P

Ok so my total spend is £597 but some of that has been gifts to other Lovehoney friends. I love a bargain and have recieved lots of free items, many from the FSOG range.

im currently skint and my spending has had to be curbed, both on myself and my friends, hopefully more affluent times will return and my spending can recommence.

I dont know.....and I dont think I want to know !! lol

Yayyyy hubby has ordered me lots of stockings etc so that I can get my wand :)

I told him I needed it and he totally understood ;)

So now my total stands at 3 orders - £268.15 (£451.72 without offers)...... so far lol x

I upped mine with 60 today to get the wand too :P However, 40 was a giftcard from a friend, soooo...that doesn't count... surely?

hmm interesting thread,as for my total im not realy sure i think i would cry if i added it up lol

Just added mine up, and since May 3rd 2015 we have spent £296!!!

However it is all worth £597, so basically got it all for half price lol.

£300 pound but new to here :)

Russ1978 wrote:

£300 pound but new to here :)

Haha, I love how you say that as if 300 isn't so much. "Just give me time, and I'll make the number higher" ;-)

Yeah £300 is loads lol

Kittycat102 wrote:

Yeah £300 is loads lol

Shhh... don't tell my £860 :(

Clockwork_Oasis wrote:

Kittycat102 wrote:

Yeah £300 is loads lol

Shhh... don't tell my £860 :(

Yeah but how long have you been buying from Lovehoney lol, quite a while

Kittycat102 wrote:

Clockwork_Oasis wrote:

Kittycat102 wrote:

Yeah £300 is loads lol

Shhh... don't tell my £860 :(

Yeah but how long have you been buying from Lovehoney lol, quite a while

Two years ;-) and 400 has been the last week :P

Kittycat102 wrote:

Yeah £300 is loads lol

Easly lead astray lol