When do you start thinking about Halloween

Chums! Me and The Prof just had a stand-up row in the office. Dreadful scenes - almost came to blows.

Why? Because we were arguing about when to run a Halloween promotion in our weekly mailout.

The Prof thought that next Monday is the perfect time because it'll get people thinking about Halloween and planning ahead.

I thought that's too early and we should wait til the Monday after when people really are thinking about Halloween and it's in all the shops and all over TV.

What do you think?

PS Don't forget to sign up to the newsletter to find out who won!

Wait till the Monday before Halloween otherwise it is like Christmas stuff appearing in the shops now - a long run up and gone in a flash!

Plus I'm away next week and don't want to miss out on a purely selfish basis

Exert some self control, hold off, don't peak too early, no-one likes anything coming prematurely

I hope you have kissed and made up now,

We can't have disharmony in the role-model of all work places! (Mind you, without passion you have nothing)

Enough rambling,

Legs xx

Richard/Prof, stand apart!!! steady on now chaps no fighting. Let's remember taht we are apparently in the worst economic decline since 1349!!! and if peeps want to pay above the average for their halloween goodies, and they might now you are officially the best thing since sliced bread- then early may definately be better. Of course, if like some you get paid on the 27th then the week after would maybe be better to avoid running the risk of casting your clientele into a spiral into depression....

Who'd be a captain of industry uh !!


Well. given that I thought a week on Friday was the 31st (as opposed to a fortnight away), I'm really not well equipped to comment. But the thought of my two favourite Business Boss Boys (so much better than Branson) having a falling out over our wishes has left me all upset, so I'll vote for the following Monday in order to restore peace.... Oh, and because I'm in Hospital this Monday, so would likely miss out on all the fun!

Whirlybird- you pill popping there girl- seem to have lost the plot !!!

A concerned tallboy !!

Or maybe a blonde moment !!

There an outer !!


Hey TB, thanks for your concern, probably well founded having just re-read my above post! Afraid it's a combination of blonde-ness, painkillers and rather a severe lack of sleep over the last few nights. Anyway, I still stand by the gist of my ramblings, even if I am the only one who understands it

well to be honest, I don't think about it....not my thing.

y not make two weeks ?

I normally start thinking about Halloween the week before Christmas. Sorry not much help eh?

Whirly- l think all that stuff makes you a nice person, akin to a free spirit !!

Mine's a whisky please ha ha.

Don't change whatever you do.


Aw Tallboy, knew you were a big softie at heart. So, what type of whisky would you prefer?

Um what about announcing it in both issues? That covers all the bases...

I start thinking about halloween the day after the one the year before...

Ha ha good answer honey!

no doubt because your costumes take so long to make?

we're both in awe of the pic your posted, and a matching cocktail. Very nice crayola!

As you can see from this week's mail, The Prof prevailed.

I went to Sainsbury yesterday and saw some pumpkins.

Other than that, Halloween So Far = Fail.


Poundland has had things in for at least a month... lol.

sxe_couple- Thank you. Yes, time factor is the major reason for my long thinking period :)