Where do you masturbate

Sometimes I worry I do it too much​:relaxed:


I pulled over and did it in car another night. Its great now nights closed in. Very dark lay-by and was nicer with window open feeling cool air on balls and the noise from traffic. Very intense cum.
May take new lh fleshlight out next time.
Couldn’t help eying up gear knob and wondering if I should sit on it or not lol.


Anywhere if horny enough

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For a super long session I’ll set up our lounge, close curtains put pillows and throws on the floor and put sex toys and lube on some newspaper with tissues handy. For shorter or more normal sessions I go for bathroom stool or floor as easy to clean up in bathroom. I watch porn on my phone in bathroom, not the biggest of screens but does the job!

Generally it’s in bed, either before I go to sleep or when the kids are at school. Sometimes I’ll do it on the sofa in the evening if I’m mega horny and can’t be bothered to move, and sometimes in the bath, orgasms are very strong in the bath for some reason.


Bed. Shower. Stairs. Living room. All depends who is home and for how long. And what toys I am using.


People think it’s weird i do it at work, it’s a top tier stress reliver and helps finish off those tough days :weary:

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I do that often

Anywhere really but my favorite is outside standing up next to the pool in the hot sunshine. Also, in the pool on a raft. Lotion certainly helps as well as some anal play.

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Bathroom and bedroom. Your usual places. I really like how it feels getting off in the bathtub during the day with light shining through the window up above. Directly after bathing I sometimes go to the bedroom and continue my adventure there.


I would love to in a small group of naughty friends :sweat_drops::sweat_drops::blush:


Sitting on the stairs upside down with my legs straight up is one of my favorite places. I have a very large house with lots of stairs so I can alternate my masturbations. It also allows me to ejaculate right into my mouth if I time it just right. I love the taste of my cum.


Same here - bedroom is comfy! There’s a bed!

Last night on the bed beside my wife


Bedroom, bathroom, hallway, lounge, sometimes conservatory if it’s not too hot (private noone can see in). Sometimes in the shower and sometimes in the bath…

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Anywhere i won’t get caught by the kids.
Mainly in the bedroom, its the comfiest seat in house.


Anywhere I can get some time to myself! or me and OH can close a door :wink: the Vaseline comes in handy though……. Mainly for the door handles so the kids can’t grip them to open them up :joy:

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In bed or in the shower

Boyfriend is the same.


I’ve done in the car, garden, bathroom, bedroom, work bathroom, bedroom at the in laws, private swimming pool and hot tub


We normally both do it in the bedroom or bathroom
Although hubby has done it in the lounge watching porn, when I want to bed