Where was the last place...

Where was the last place that you had sex?

Mine was either in the bed or the bath... I can't remember... Is that bad haha?

the last place i had sex was in bed

In a bed.......

In bed at 5am this morning ;-)

On the living room floor

In a bed

In the kitchen

I guess a lot of people have moved to the bed because its so damn cold... Or is that just my house...

on the sofa!

KinkyMinxMoo wrote:

I guess a lot of people have moved to the bed because its so damn cold... Or is that just my house...

Beds are always the best - surely! They are comfy, rolly places and ideal snuggle locations for afterwards!

I guess it depends what you like and what mood you are in, I like to be a bit different while I can but agree 100% with it being the best location for afterwards!!

KinkyMinxMoo wrote:

I guess it depends what you like and what mood you are in, I like to be a bit different while I can but agree 100% with it being the best location for afterwards!!

Ideally....... anywhere near the bed - perhaps the shower so we were ready for bed..... then onto the bed to finish it off and snooze..... That is the best thing!

Bed!!! And there was a hot water bottle in there because it was so frigging cold x

In mine and my partners bed

Bed but trying for the sofa tonight!

Standing Against the kitchen sink

I can't remember it's been that bloody long :(

In a hotel room bed, with a lovely couple :) x

in bed

living room floor on a rug xxx