which one

hi all, im thinking of buying myself a penis pump any you guy's recomend one

Hi Carly, this post is so off thread that it cannot have long for this world, however here goes. I haven't read all the threads but if it is elsewhere already then repeating it will do no harm!!! I would just like to express my thanks to you and all at Love Honey for making the past 12 months such a great time for us campers. Campers seemingly almost always come and go, can only hope to see some old campaighners back on here soon.

You and the team have been here for the long haul however, not always plain sailing and one particular chappie sticks in the mind !! l am sure you will remember him!! Still always ready with advice and guidance, not always the same thing, and l didn't want you and the team thinking we had forgottoen all about you, cos it just isn't true.

My New Year resolution will be to try and get my reviews in on time, or even better time in future!!

So just remains to say l hope they will be letting you all go home at some point, and look forward to seeing you all in the new year where we will continue doing our best to come to terms with the economic situation !!! have't found it in the Karma Sutra yet that one!
