Win tha VAT Back At LoveHoney

A couple of customers have been asking us whether we're going to change our prices on Monday to account for the new VAT rate (it's going down from 17.5% to 15%, in case you've been living in a cave).

The short answer is: no, we're not.

The long answer is: We've got a much better idea!

Oooh sounds good! I wonder how much of the five figure sum I'd end up re-investing in LoveHoney?! A hell of a lot more than the 2.5% Darling wants me to save anyway!

Oh wow - that's cool! (OH went out to get my Crimbo pressie today - did any of you guys at LH have a stange looking guy turn up?? I'm hoping so! )

Fab idea Lovehoney, would almost make up for the £110,000 my ex leach had out of me !!


i think this is a brilliant idea (couldnt help but mention it on the MSE forum VAT discussion too ) - tbh i do think it's a far better idea than a couple of pennies of this, a quid off that etc...

Another great Lovehoney idea really, innovative, great for the customer, and good for drumming up publicity as it's a novel idea. The rabbit amnesty and recycling's a similarly clever thing to do - keep up the good work LH!

LoveHoney - Richard wrote:

A couple of customers have been asking us whether we're going to change our prices on Monday to account for the new VAT rate (it's going down from 17.5% to 15%, in case you've been living in a cave).

The short answer is: no, we're not.

The long answer is:

this might ease the pain of credit crunch