Win the VAT back at Lovehoney!

Sorry for the delay! It's time to announce the winner of our crazy Win The VAT Back prize.

[Cue drum roll and breath-bated anticpation]

The first name out of the virtual hate was Leah H from Yorkshire. Well done Leah!

We've contacted Leah to let her know she's won. Maybe she'll pop up to tell us how she's going to spend the dosh (at LoveHoney, hopefully!).

A year ago she might have done a Viv Nicholson but now it's more save, save, save than spend, spend, spend! (Apart from at LoveHoney of course!)

Wow well done there Leah H, don't be shy now girl !!!!

Nice gesture Richard.


Hi Richard what process was used to determine the winner?? Just curious.

Cheers TB

An excellent question! First, we put all the valid e-mail addresses into our Virtual Hat, which to the untrained eye looks exactly like an Excel spreadsheet - and is quite daft when you try to wear it.

Then, like Johnny Ball, we try to think of a number - and when that doesn't work, we ask the Internet to make us a random number between 1 and the number of lines on the spreadsheet.

Then we look up the line on the spreadsheet that corresponds to the random number and hey presto - the virtual hat has done its magic! And I have to remember to take it off before I go to the pub.

Hi Richard,

Do we get to know the amount won...or is that a secret?!

Cheers mate

It's a secret - but suffice to say there was at least 1 comma in there!

Nice thing to do Richard and all at LH well done to you all.