Would You Rather?

Butt Plug

Bullett or Egg?

Bullet - more versatile?

Suction cup or not?

Suction cup

WYR see the sunrise or sunset

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Sunset, i always watch it set over the sea on holiday!

WYR get up early or get up late?

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Early - as long as I have something to do.

Morning or evening sex?


WYR love egg or knicker vibrator?


Remote controlled egg or plug?

Not a fan of remote controlled but egg if I had to chose.

WYR black or white lingerie

Black! Iā€™m too pale for white it just blends inā€¦

WYR a bunch of flowers or a box of chocs


Sexy gift or practical one?


WYR toys as a gift or lingerie?

For me toys, as I donā€™t wear lingerie, but for a partner that does I love to give it!

Lace or silk?

Both but silk for the sensation when stroked lightly!

WYR boots or stilettos?

Boots. Stilettos would make me wellll over 6ft and thatā€™s just too much :joy:

WYR horror or comedy

Comedy preferably!

WYR comedy or factual


Facebook or Instagram?

Insta :camera_flash: Iā€™m not a big social media person to be honest, but Insta has some alright parts! I deleted Facebook a long time ago.

Maize crisps or regular crisps?

Agreed - I still have FB but just use it to keep track of some hobby stuff really.

Regular - just polished off some Hula hoops infact.

Chinese or Indian takeaway?

WYR Large gathering or small group

Depends on the small groupā€¦ :joy: Jokes aside, if theyā€™re close friends then small group.

WYR cheese scone or fruit scone?

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