Your physical oddities..

I have:

  • two toes joined together on each foot (right more then the left)
  • tiny hands - my sister has had bigger hands than me since the age of about 13
  • I can bend my thumbs back way past 90degrees and push as hard as I can but it still doesn't hurt

What do you have?

Double jointed hands. I can bend my fingers backwards in the middle without feeling any pain.

I also have a 'wavy hand' party trick... Weird.

Lovehoney - Gem wrote:

I also have a 'wavy hand' party trick... Weird.

haha what's that all about? I'm intruiged...

It's not that strange really. A snakelike movement with my hands pressed together is about it. Doesn't look natural, anyway!

I can touch my nose and my chin with my tongue.

I have a lot of physical oddities. It makes me quite shy about myself. Thats why i love to talk on line...

I can sit on a bar stool for 16 hrs without getting cramp

Shwinger-Em wrote:

I can touch my nose and my chin with my tongue.

Ah god can't believe I forgot this, I can do that too!

Happy. wrote:

I have a lot of physical oddities. It makes me quite shy about myself. Thats why i love to talk on line...

Aww care to share any? don't have to obviously. Often you'll find mate that what you feel you don't like when you look in the mirror other people take little notice of

gunther wrote:

I can sit on a bar stool for 16 hrs without getting cramp

Wha'?! That's no oddity thats a skill! Teach me master..

Years of tlaining glasshopper

oh and I can play pool left or right handed to the same level

illumine wrote:

i can do that spock finger thing with my toes

Ahhhhrgh pics or it didn't happen!! That's so cool

gunther wrote:

oh and I can play pool left or right handed to the same level

That's pretty cool, are you ambidexterious in other things? I'm totally right handed in everything apart from holding a knife and fork, I don't even notice if I'm holding the fork in left knife in right or knife in left fork in right

Not really ambidextrous I just started as a laugh, the girls here wernt very good at pool so to give them a chance I started playing left handed I did it for so long I am as good with either hand but cant play any power shots left handed. I used to have a Triumph and a Suzuki at the same time. Triumphs had gear change on the right and suzukis on the left. Pretty quickly your mind gets used to switching over. Same with driving left hand drive cars, I frequently switch from my car to a german car, no problem now but it takes a bit of getting used to.

I have teeny tiny ears...!

my head goes wonky/slighty bends when i'm tired. or it could be just me imagining it!

I am very double jointed, probably from years of gymnastics!

Not so sure its odd really but I write with my right hand but use my left hand for sports, tennis, throwing etc

Oh I also have little webbed toes - the second to the third but not enough to look special! :D

im just genraly tiny and very shortsighted...ohh how attractive :/ thats not realy odd tho as m entire heritage is like that, and i dont realy mind the tinyness (other than when clothes and collars are all too big)

what yoused to freak me out when i was younger is that one of inner labi is lots longer than the other

oh ye, and i have feat that are so flat my mum refers to them as flatypusses or pythons :)

rag doll wrote:

im just genraly tiny and very shortsighted...ohh how attractive :/ thats not realy odd tho as m entire heritage is like that, and i dont realy mind the tinyness (other than when clothes and collars are all too big)

what yoused to freak me out when i was younger is that one of inner labi is lots longer than the other

You're not alone!! I'm blind as a bat too and have only started wearing glasses in public!!!

I have no inner labias! (OH calls it porn pussy! LOL)

I have chubby feet!

occhiverdi wrote:

Oh I also have little webbed toes - the second to the third but not enough to look special! :D

Yay! Same toes as I have joined. My left foot is not enough to look special but my right foot is, there's only a little bit of non-joinyness at the end (I still have two toe nails and stuff though).

I tell people it's because I am more evolved than they are, and in the future all hooman beans will just have a big toe and the rest will be joined like that (and there's reasoning to actually believe that's true, something to do with not having to hunt for food any more or something but I forget)

rag doll wrote:

im just genraly tiny ...ohh how attractive :/

I find tiny attractive

I can bend my wrist so that my thumb lies along my forearm (loads of people can do that, though). My party trick is putting my hands together as if I'm praying behind my back, and tucking them up between my shoulderblades. It's really hard to describe!

I also have really, really tiny wrists compared to my hands/the rest of me. My wrists and my ankles are stupidly skinny.

Oh, and I had to grow into my belly button.