Youtube channel gone?

Hi lovehoney,

I went on youtube and searched for your cahnnel and clicked on your channel and this is what i got:

Its a 404 that says youve breached the terms and conditions too many times. :(

Thought id let u know.

I was wondering about this, is the lovehoney youtube coming back?

Did it get deleted because it was too sexual? (There is a WHOLE lot worse on there!!!)

Hi boy245 & ZombieCpl,

Firstly it's lovely to know you're searching for us on YouTube! Unfortunately our account has been suspended, which is a bit upsetting as we've worked pretty hard to get it up to such a great standard!

The way YouTube works is that if someone flags our videos for inappropriate content (which they never contain) then the account is suspended for two weeks. We're not able to stick up for ourselves until the two weeks is up, so even though there have been no violations of any rules, we have to just wait it out.

We try our hardest to make Lovehoney's YouTube channel educational and informative and we abide by the rules. You may have noticed we don't have any videos of lifelike dildos as this is considered a breach of the guidelines.

Once we get a chance to let YouTube know we haven't broken any rules, we should hopefully be back up and running again. In the meantime (and always!) all our videos are available on Lovehoney TV so you can still watch everything.

I hope this clears things up a little, and thanks for noticing :)


Unfortunately, it's hard to stick up for ourselves if we think we've been subject to reports that have come from people who either don't approve of what we do or who are deliberately reporting our content with the sole aim of getting us removed.

We tread carefully on social media, and are always mindful that when you put your content on a platform that isn't yours, it can be removed at the drop of a hat. That's why we have our own LovehoneyTV that we're always adding to and continually trying to improve :-)

Unfortunately I know for a fact that there are people who go in for this sort of thing because it doesn't fit their own moral code. About 12 years ago some friends of my parents were campaigning against high street sex shops. I was too young and too innocent to care about such things at the time but even then I had to wonder why they didn't just turn a blind eye. With the rise of internet shopping, it wouldn't surprise me if likeminded people had turned their attentions towards online campaigns.

It's BACK (for now)!