
Soph, let me grab a drink and get comfy, catch you in a few
… I go with @GoGirl12 : Just because you share a flat doesn’t mean you have to be best mates with everyone. Jealousy is often a root cause of many bad vibes. Uni is hard where you have to make accom choices so early in advance. Chill, be polite, don’t be drawn into arguments, have a weekend back in London, as the evenings get longer, enjoy some time out of the flat exploring all Nottingham has to offer.


Hi @Sophie01 there has been some great advice for you, certainly the idea of someone else taking yur place next year may /could work but you need to have accomadation so make sure you have somewhere first. the sports clubs etc is a great idea. Are the others on the same course as you? Have you met others within your course? Nottingham has a lot to offer once lock down is eased. Be strong and positive. On a much lighter note don’t show the girls your underwear drawers, they will be very jealous especially as the guys would love you for ever.

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I was just wanting to check how things are going for you at uni regarding the friendship/house situation. Have things improved now you are back at uni ( I assume you are back). Have things improved with the girls?




That’s good that things have settled :blush:

Z doesn’t sound very nice though. I would definitely keep that one at arm’s length if they even have to be in the picture at all.


You make sure your safe and ok hun and I hope there’s no more nonsense @Sophie01

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I’m glad things are better and not long to go now until the holidays. I’m sure next year will be better for you. We must all be positive. What clubs are you thinking of joining? Good luck with your studies and enjoy the summer break. @Sophie01

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I play on Joining some sports clubs such as Cheerleading, Snowsports, Pole Fitness and NTU Equestrians. I also wanna join lots of the societies such as Disney, Hula Hooping, Travel, Vegetarian, and Social Sciences Society. x


Having never been to uni I have missed out on all the clubs. What is NTU Equestrians? Something to do with horses? I am sure you will meet a wide circle of people at these and build some great friendships / relationships. Have a great time, enjoy. @Sophie01

@Sophie01 - You had me at cheerleading! :heart_eyes:

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It is the horse riding society. They have recreational horse riding at the local stables for just £7.50!! and they do socials throughout the year. Hoping next year these will be more regular. x


That’s a very good price. Only been on 1 horse and fell off that trying to get off. Enjoy what ever activities you decide on.

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I dunno, our Soph. Any excuse to strut around swishing a leather crop about… :wink:


And horsey crops as sooooo much better than play crops.