Advice and opinions

Take the plunge and treat yourself I say! :grin:

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Well i bought it. For better or worse(we shall see) lol.

I have so much clutter in my room and was worried this might add to it.

My moods are all over the place so i struggle to want things that i used to enjoy, its a tough time and im hating it

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Is there one thing in your room that you could throw out or better still donate to charity? That way you wouldn’t be adding to it, just replacing something? Sometimes a good clear out makes you feel good but, if you’re anything like me, the idea of clearing out is so overwhelming it’s impossible to do. I need to tidy up so I’m going to set myself small (very small) jobs every day snd eventually I’ll get somewhere. For example, yesterday I washed up and wiped the surfaces in the kitchen. Today I’m going to empty the “junk draw” beside my bed. Just aim to throw out / donate / tidy away one thing at a time then congratulate yourself on your achievement because it’s a big achievement when you’re struggling.

Sorry you’re going through this, me too. If I had the answer I would give it to you but I’m still searching myself. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, counselling / psychology really does help if you can afford it.


I go through my junk drawers all the time but always think that when i throw away that one plug or cable that i will find what it goes too.

I have so many books and dvds that i havent used in ages.
My friend says hes willing to buy some of the bondage gear etc that i dont really use so that could be good