Advice please!!!

So guys Blowjobs!!

I need help! By OH LOVES me giving him these and I want to do them more + with more enthusiasm....

Here's the issue...there pre-cum as soon as I feel it in my mouth (no matter how many times I wipe it) I want to stop and have doing so to get rid of it!

How can I get past this to give him an amazing one!

I've heard about lightly pressing somewhere with your thumb to stop this?

You could try using this:

It helped me get past my dislike of blowjobs (honestly, I couldn't even put a penis in my mouth without gagging) and I actually enjoy giving them now. It has a lovely, light taste, and it masks the flavours that you might find otherwise offputting. :)

I agree with Sinfully Sam in using a flavoured lube since I'm assuming it's the taste that is putting you off carrying on? I don't think you can stop it happening completely.

I always like it as it's kind of a hint that whatever you're doing is getting the right reaction.

A flavoured lube is a great idea, but there's also products like this that might help :)

Hey Pansy

The thumb trick is really to stop gagging during deep throat - I have no idea whether it actually works or not but some people say they find it helps. 

Having said that, being able to master deep throat is a great way to keep precum and cum out of your mouth as it goes straight down your throat. 

What is is about the precum you don't like? The taste? The consistency? 

Remember, semen flavour is ENTIRELY down to his diet and lifestyle so if his jizz tastes funky and he wants more blowies/better blowies, it's up to him to make the necessary changes to make it taste better. After all, all sex acts should be enjoyable for both/all people involved. 

My top tips would be for you to practice deeper BJs (if you want to) and for him to drink lots of water, strip dairy from his diet and, if he smokes / drinks, to stop those things. This will help both taste and consistency. Also, him ejaculating regularly will help. ("Saving" can make it a very potent/thick experence!)

Lots of little things to help you like flavoured condoms which I can understand feel a little less stimulating for men but it will stop any form of taste. Alternatively as the others have said it would be best to use a flavoured lube, they mask everything and also feel great. I would first work out if it's the flavour, texture or act that puts you off and ask yourself why. If it's down to taste then ask your partner kindly to swap a few things from his diet such as fatty and spicy foods and introduce a lot more fruit juices and water. Also alcohol and cigarettes give cum a nasty bitter taste so if he enjoys these two then maybe more blowjobs will be an incentive to quit ha.

Have a look through the lubes and flavoured condoms on lovehoney and see if it anything tickles your fancy.

Haha me and jess basically saying the same
Thing! But Deep thirsting will help get past your taste buds and will also feel great for your partner

What's the thumb trick?

Thank you for all the help guys I will definitely be giving some of those a try!

For those that asked I think it's both the taste and the consistency so Sinfully Sam I think your suggestion could be good as the lube would disguise both of those!

Hutch013 wrote:

What's the thumb trick?

Ditto ???

Apparently there's a part on D that you lightly press with the thumb and it stops any precum coming out.

Not sure this would actually work or whereabouts you put your thumb haha! But it was on a programme I watched

SquirtyPanda wrote:

Hutch013 wrote:

What's the thumb trick?

Ditto ???

Hey! Sorry just saw this!

The thumb trick is making use of a pressure point in your hand. 

*Apparently* if you squeeze the space (see images) between your finger and thumb with your other finger and thumb, it can alleviate pain, sore throats and gagging. I don't know how true it is but many people claim it works.

Could be placebo? Could be genuine? I guess that's for you guys to try and decide! 



Humm very interesting jess!

I hate giving bj me and my partner tried it with condoms and for us it's the best thing ever now I don't have to worry about taste or texture and he get the best orgasm ever

I also suffer from this too I bought the multipack of flavoured lubes and it's soo much better he even commented on how it was a brilliant bj