Am I being unreasonable?

Right firstly if my OH didn't know I was on here she will now LOL

I want to know if its unreasonable of me to be wary of kissing and whatever else while she has a coldsore, its on her cheek under her eye but obviously I've never had symptoms of hsv so I'm assuming I haven't caught it yet

Obviously its not desirable as its a virus that stays with you for life and sometimes for some people its not very good looking

Am I being unreasonable? Or is she? for expecting me to act the same as I was before it appeared

can you get a cold sore in that place would be my first question!

and if it is no you're not being unreasonable, i certainly wouldnt kiss someone when they had one, nor would i expect anyone to kiss me if I had one, til it had cleared up

but hopefully you wont refuse to kiss her once it has cleared up?

I kiss my OH no matter what he's got. I don't care if I get it. What's he's is mine lol.

Thats a very unusual place to get a cold sore considering the two types of herpes are classified as oral and genital.

Apparently once oral herpes has been contracted then the other type cannot be, my hubby and I still don't exchange kissing or oral sex if one of those thing is lurking about though.

Cold Sores are a type of Herpes Virus (Herpes simplex) and are passed on usually when the sore is "active" - ie it has opened and is weeping. Once you have the virus it lies dormant at the base of nerve endings and when you are run-down, unders stress, or generally low, it will make its way back up the nerve to the surface and reappear.

Lollipop, if you are happy to catch one, then that's up to you, but there are a couple of things that everyone should be aware of.

Firstly. Coldsores do not confine themselves to the lips, if you indulge in oral sex whilst you have an active cold sore it can be passed to your partners sexual organs, and getting a cold sore there is not recommended!

Secondly, NEVER NEVER NEVER kiss an infant if you have an active coldsore - it can KILL THEM - if you don't believe me then take a look at this :-

in particular, scroll down and read some of the comments that have been added.

I suffer from coldsores because I recieved a kiss from an infected friend of my mother when I was a baby. It didn't kill me, (although many would argue that I am actually brain dead) but it means that I often get them on my lips. I would never kiss anyone whilst I had an active coldsore, especially not someone that I love and care about.

I've never heard of a cold sore in that place! But I've never had any cold sores so I may be mistaken.

i wouldn't kiss my OH if he had a coldsore on his mouth but if it was under his eye I wouldn't mind kissing. I just probably wouldn't rub my face all over his lol!

MissChar wrote:

I've never heard of a cold sore in that place!

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) is usually catagorised as HSV1 which usually occur around the mouth (coldsores) or HSV2 which usually occur around the genitals and is usually just referred to as "Herpes"

Whilst they are catagorised differently that is mainly for the purpose of identifying the location of the virus. Usually they do not transfer from one location to another, but they are of the same virus so it is possible to transfer the virus from the mouth area to the genital area.

I refuse to kiss my oh of he has a cold sore and he certainly is not aloud near me for oral sex!

Okay, at least I'm not the only one

She said she's kissed people while she's had one in the past and apparently they haven't ended up with a coldsore but as I said, its for life, I'd rather not have one

Also you can get them on your ears and in your eyes too(can cause blindness)

Yah I know that I mean under the eye! Anyways I wouldn't kiss OH with a coldsore but neither of us have had one touch wood!

BG'sKinkyBoyfriend wrote:

Also you can get them on your ears and in your eyes too(can cause blindness)

Yup, quite correct. HSV1 causes primarily mouth infections, but can also be throat, face, eye, and central nervous system infections, whereas HSV2 causes primarily genital infections. However, each may cause infections in all areas which is how a coldsore can infect the genitals.

And as if it isn't bad enough that there is no cure and you are stuck with them for life, there is also some thought that it can give a higher chance of Alzheimers disease in later life.

Oh, and in answer to your original question, NO you are not being unreasonable, SHE is.

I removed this post - it posted twice ??

Wow you learn something new every day!


Lollipop ;) wrote:

I kiss my OH no matter what he's got. I don't care if I get it. What's he's is mine lol.

I concur, we don't usually let things like colds or bugs get in the way. We're in close proximity most of the time anyway.

Kasumi wrote:


Yeh - EEEEEEEK!!!! - That poor guy.

But that was why I stressed in my first post about keeping away from infants. OK, that is a very extreme case, but the trouble is coldsores are taken for granted by so many people, they just don't realise how dangerous they can be.

You're not being unreasonable at all, I get cold sores on the corner of my mouth and under my nose when I'm stressed, tired and run down, my mum also gets them and I believe I got it from her when I was younger and she's kissed me.

I would not under any circumstances kiss my OH whilst I've got one (He gets the hump about it) But I won't kiss him, nor would I kiss my child whilst I have it either. I think she is being unreasonable expecting you to kiss her with them, because they can be passed on. I'm quite sure that everyone has the virus dormant in their system and it can come out at anytime but contact with people that do have them will increase that chance.

It's the same as if she touches it she should wash her hands before touching another part of her body because it can lead to her catching them there too.