Am I really the minority?

Hi there just wandered if any of you can set something straight for me please?
Am I just a complete nymph or are their lots of women out there like me??
Friends & family often tell me that they can't get their heads around my sex husband yes, as it's apparently more "normal" for a red blooded male in his 30's to have an extreme drive but me...they can't get to grips with it!!
I have 7 children & no matter when I'm pregnant, just given birth or inbetween a pregnancy I always want/need sex!!!
We manage to easily find time (safely, well away from the children) to have sex between 3 & 5 times a day!!! Not just quickies either, I'm talking most of the time, proper, full on sex sessions with dress up, toys, swings, indoors, outdoors anything goes!!!
Alot of my friends with none or only 1-2 kiddies complain that their drive is nowhere near & often they can't be bothered after chasing around with the kids & doing their everyday chores!!
Ive always thought I was about average but it appears not as time has gone on & the more discussions I've had with people!! I've even been nicknamed "supermum"!!
I'm not complaining about my drive as I live our sex life & wouldn't ever want it any other way but am I really a minority?? Just curious!! Thanks everyone :) x

No just very lucky!!!

Lol, thanks :)
I do realise how lucky I am, especially after speaking with more & more people :) x

See this kind of thing really bugs me. From an early age us girls are led to believe that guys are horn dogs, that they're only after one thing and to keep them at a distance. We're told that they think about that one thing constantly and that they're never satisfied and want more! Which then because of this mis advice leads us to believe that when we as women have a very high sex drive we're in some way abnormal; or because we have a higher sex drive than our partners that there is something wrong with us that they don't want to have sex.

You're not abnormal or in the minority, we're all different both men and women we have different sex drives some of us are higher than others. I have a seriously high sex drive and I have lots of friends with varying sex drives both high, some low.

When me and my OH first go together we use to do it as often as you do. Now it is slightly less about 6ish times a week, and we dont have any children. You must be one lucky girl!

I think that FrozenAngel is right about the societal "norm" being that girls don't really want sex and only do it to keep men happy... I suspect that some of it is also women being in relationships with partners who are either boring in bed or lack affection, neither of which is going to be good for the sex drive.

Sex is one of those things that you want more the more you have it!

Don't worry too much about what everyone else is doing, as long as it feels normal to you and you're both satisfied then keep at it! It's your marriage, you and your husband can structure it however you want to.

All I can say is I am very jealous we only have 1 child and are lucky if we do it 5 or 6 times a year let alone a day your husband is very lucky.

5 or 6 times a year? Has your sex life always been like that? Or only since your child was born? & how old is your child? Is it you or your wife that doesn't have the drive? I'm assuming it's your wife? & you would prefer more? Have you tried speaking to her about this?

More so since our child was born and she is 6,yes it's my wife that has lost the drive but haven't really talked about it just make do.

Iwish, I really sympathise with you. My wife's sex drive has never been as high as mine and although she very rarely refuses, I get really sad about being the one that asks or initiates or goes the extra mile to introduce sexy time into our relationship.

Which means that us talking about it doesn't do much good as we're basically asking the other to be a different person, but if this is something that has changed since your daughter was born then it might be possible to change it back.

In saying that, I have no idea how you'd go about that conversation.

Iwish ours was the same. I just lost my drive completely, for years. I have gotten it back recently and now I'm crazy! Making him spank me etc!!
It's gone into overdrive!!

Exactly how do I bring it up without offending her,pressures of daily life it is tough to find time to ourselves although we have a night away this Saturday for our anniversary child free and fingers crossed the nurse outfit I bought her about a month ago will see the light for the first time.

pinkanimal wrote:

Iwish ours was the same. I just lost my drive completely, for years. I have gotten it back recently and now I'm crazy! Making him spank me etc!!
It's gone into overdrive!!

Well done you,I am jealous i would love to try spanking etc but wouldn't know where to start about asking,we have been married for 14 years and never had anything but vanilla sex.

Honestly one day I just clicked.
One minute I wasn't interested in sex and the next mad for it.
The more things we try kink wise the more I want to do!!
And hubby is more than happy to oblige!! And some weeks we have sex most nights.

Good on you,I wish I was.

Is there an underlying issue why?
Is she tired? Depressed? Unhappy with her body?? All of these can diminish the libido,

All of the above.

I have to say to you that I don't know that producing a nurse's uniform would necessarily be my next step, but you know your wife better than we do.

I guess make an occassion of it and spoil her utterly might be a good start. Good luck. :)

Only she can fix things.
I lost some weight and I'm sure that helped me.
Clearly you can't suggest that without gettin a slap!