Anal Help?

I'm really keen to try some sort of anal fun, but being a complete clean freak I am worried over the um how to put it, mess? How can I have clean anal fun xx

douche... thats not an insult but what you should use.

btw i am not saying this from experience as i never done

What Naked_butler said. Obviously at some point there may be mess to get rid of but using a douche up front means that it's out of the way and in a clean way. You can then just get on with enjoying the fun side of anal. I use one before anal play and have found it helps with the whole cleanliness aspect.

Hey- thought I would return the favor. My husband is a pretty big anal fan and I am similar to you about the mess. However as long as you have a nice shower/bath before hand and use lots of lube it is no messier then normal sex. You wont see any brown stuff if thats what your worried about! However i suggest a couple of drinks before hand to relax you as it does hurt a little. Hope it goes well x

Just going to echo what everyone else has said. Douches are great, you need to give it a few goes before you feel "clean" but once you've used one then it's very unlikely that there will be any mess at all. However, they're quite... erm... noisy? when you're using it so I'd do it before you get in the mood!

Take it really really slow. Try just using your fingers first until you get used to the sensation as it is a bit weird at first. I can't recommend the "lovehoney basics butt buddy" enough when you first start anal play, It's really small and non threatening but feels amazing and is great fun :)


As everyone else already said.... douche first, while using fingers to help stretching, then, use a small butt plug to help you feel comfy with the sensation. I douche like 17 times just to make sure I'm the cleanest. xD

And~ as NaughtyT said, drinks help relaxing your muscles even more. So~ feel free to drink something you like.

I douche ALOT beforehand, ill spend 10 mins every morning douching, to make sure im clean all day then if i know im gonna have some fun, i douch for another like 20 mins. Anal is alot of fun enjoy! :-) xx