Anal play is awesome!!

I enjoy my OH doing what she wants with my ass. I'm about to order the helix from [a competitor] After we are both willing for her to use a strap on with me. Anyone have experience. I'm a lucky man

Aren't allowed to link products from other companies x

Oops I didn't know that I apologize

Edit: Nevermind.. I didn't realise you were in the states.

Winzyusmc wrote:

I enjoy my OH doing what she wants with my ass. I'm about to order the helix from [a competitor] After we are both willing for her to use a strap on with me. Anyone have experience. I'm a lucky man

Have you considered purchasing an Aneros with us? ;)

View the range here.

I would highly recommend going for a harness that uses an O-ring as it it compatible with any dildo that has a flared base.

An example of one of these is:

That harness is great ecause it also has a slot for a vibrator but after much deliberation I found that the red dildo that comes with that set is too curved for deep anal penetraion and much better suited to vaginas.

A great way that I found to get my girlfriend engaged in using a strap on is to go to look at the subreddit for pegging, although keep in mind what's realistic and always keep it simple the first couple of times. If you have any more questions then feel free to ask!