Anxiety when comes to sex?

I have previously brought up the idea of counselling and looked into one, we don’t have one near us also the closest was out of our budget

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I understand that scheduling sex can be difficult, and unexpected things can happen which ruin your plans. However, I do still think it might work for you.
His schedule might be inconsistent, but is it predictable? Could you sit down on, say, a Saturday night and make a plan for the week ahead?

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I could yes but then sometimes he can be called 24hrs prior and will change.

Fingers crossed for you and hope it goes the way you want as well :crossed_fingers: keep us all updated on the progress

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I would really encourage you to work on your confidence in your own right, if you haven’t already. One of the things I realised in the past year or two is that I neglect myself, and because why? Because I was always taught that a woman should put her family first, even at the expense of herself. This is wrong, it’s unhealthy and it’s toxic. If you don’t love yourself, you can’t love anyone else and nobody is likely to (really) love you either. His love can and will only go so far before he finds your needs demanding and annoying. I really enourage you to practice some self love and self care, including, if necessary, masturbation - love yourself in all forms! :slight_smile: Good luck


So it has been a few days, we have had some issues in the last few years in terms of intimacy and have thought many times about walking away, i have voiced this time and time again.

I have been working on myself for a while now and evaluating my life, i got to evaluating my relationships and i just broke down, he saw this and think he finally got i can’t do this anymore.
We sat down and had a chat, we only really have lacked intimacy and he finds opening up hard due to things happening in his early life.

Anyway we started looking into therapy, this is the first time he has listened to me and agreed he doesn’t want to give up what we have built over the years and would like to start to heal any open wounds in the relationship, there is many things im hurt by, not by him directly but by his family which causes friction. Anyway long story short we quickly realised we can’t afford to go to therapy as we are in the middle of saving to buy our first home together and life in general. However we found a certified therapist online who has built at home couples therapy course and workbook. Instantly he jumped at the chance and purchased it.

Anyway we got printing and started the first task- communicating and i was shocked he was into it, he was being very open and honest and i learnt there is things i do that has hurt him, we then had cards that we would pick in turns and ask the other questions and after all these years i learnt things i never thought i needed to know or have ever asked, after that few hours going through i felt such a relief, he finally opened up which has been hard throughout our whole relationship and something i found hard as i never know what he thinking/feeling.

We are going to be working on our next session tonight, im excited and nervous, im emotional so when we started to cry, cry as i didnt think about how i was towards him, how he is opening up and with relief.

I will continue to update you.


Fantastic news, so pleased for you both. You are now on a constructive journey which will hopefully lead to a brilliant place for you.

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UPDATE: We finally let go and was able to this morning get a quick release in, im hoping we finish it tonight!

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